His Tutor, Drunk

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Ciel had gone on his date three hours ago.

Three hours.

Maybe I'm being paranoid but three hours seemed like a long time to break up with a girl, even Elizabeth. The girl could talk a lot and cry and everything but still, three hours? That was too long, and I didn't know how long I could sit awkwardly in Ciel's room, no matter how many movies I watched.

Finally, after an agonizing three and a half hours, Ciel walked in. "Hey! You stayed!" He slurred.

Oh no. I'd heard this kind of slur before. "Ciel, are you drunk?" I said, astonished.

He waved me off. "I only had..." He counted on his fingers. "Like three, four... five? Drinks. I'm fine, I'm fine. You know what? I'm better than fine I'm good-great actually." He got in bed. "And tired. Turn Frozen down."

I sighed and and turned it down. "Ciel, why the hell did you get drunk?" I began questioning him.

"Reasons." He crossed his arms like a stubborn child. "I can do whatever I want, I am a fucking man!" He decided.

I shook my head and covered him up. "Go to bed, drunkie, I get to tease you when you're hungover, though."

Ciel quickly pulled me on to the bed, so I was laying down, facing him. He wrapped his arms around me and cuddled close. "You're a great pillow." He hiccuped then giggled. "You should stay the night, I want you here."

My face flushed. "Ciel, you're drunk, I should leave."

His grip only tightened and he whimpered and shook his head. He looked up at me and frowned. It was strange, seeing him this way. He looked so vulnerable, almost like a child. Something Ciel never looked like. "Please? I want you here..." He put his face in my chest, I could feel him breathe me in.

"Did you just smell me?" I laughed.

"I like the way you smell." Ciel traced the letters on my shirt with His finger, not looking me in the eyes. "It's like Skittles and-and tea and it's a lovely scent." He was smiling, still not looking me in the eyes, it was as if he were describing someone he was excited about. "And the best part is you're adorable and sexy all at once and you're just the best person I've ever met. And your eyes! Oh I just love your eyes. How do I even describe them? Ocean and sky are too overrated. Your eyes, they're different. They're beautiful and I can't stop looking at them." Ciel finally looked me in the eyes. "Did you mean it when you told me you loved me?" He asked in a sweet, soft voice.

I looked at him, smiling throughout his long one-sided conversation about me. Then he asked me that. "Yes, I did." I nodded.

"Can I tell you something?" His gaze was soft and gentle almost- "I love you too." He said quietly. "I don't always like to admit it, but I do." He cuddled into me more.

I laid there for a minute, I didn't say a word. Did he really just say that?

"I love the way you laugh," Ciel continued when I didn't respond. "I love the way you talk, I love the way-"

I cut him off by crashing my lips against his. I could feel him hesitate a moment before he kissed me back, wrapping his arms around my neck. We kissed for what felt like only a moment, but after pulling away, I discovered it was about fifteen minutes.

Ciel tugged on my shirt in a childish manner when I pulled away. "Stay?" He asked.

I nodded. "Fine, but you're going to bed now." He nodded excitedly. I pulled the covers over us both again and kissed his cheek. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight." He said, in a sleepy tone. I could hear his breath even out in minutes.

Slowly, but surely, I dozed off too, listening to a muffled Love is an Open Door coming from the T.V.

Tutor Me? (Cielois, Black Butler) **IN NEED OF EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now