His Tutor, Loving(?)

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A.N I do not mean to offend any Catholics or religious people, it's just for the story. Sorry if I offend anyone at all during this chapter.

~Alois' POV~

Ciel and I didn't separate for the rest of the weekend. The whole weekend was cute kisses and warm cuddles. Probably the best weekend of m my life, which is saying a lot. But, Monday had to come, which meant Ciel... well usually he wouldn't want to talk about this sort of thing.

"Hello there~!" I said once I saw the bluenette at school. I'm not usually this cheery on Mondays, but today was different. Today was special.

Ciel looked at me and smiled. A real smile, not something you'd usually see on this sapphire eyed beauty. "Hello." He said sweetly.

And yes, you heard me right. Sweetly, kindly, if that's what you'd prefer. Okay, either he is in a good mood or Sebastian has been slipping drugs inside his cakes recently, either way, I liked this new attitude. "You sound awfully happy." I commented.

He looked half confused. "Of course I am." He kissed my cheek. In. Front. Of. Everyone. Holy hell, I'd have to thank Sebastian later. "I have to get to class, but I'll see you at lunch?" He walked away and headed to class, leaving me standing there like a blushing fool.

Although, my happiness came to a halt when I was met with a fist to my cheek. I still fell on the ground due to utter and complete shock. There was a stinging sensation on my cheek and I could taste blood. "What the hell?" I said as soon as my brain finally let me understand what happened. I looked up to see just who I suspected it to be.

There, in her blonde glory was Eliza-bitch. "I knew this whore would go after Ciel!" She whined. "You've made him turn to the devils ways!" She cried. "Oh God, please don't let him take sweet Ciel's innocence." She held her cross necklace in her hands. "Forgive his sins like you'd forgive mine."

Oh how did I not see this coming? She's a religious freak! "Why on earth did you punch me?" I asked before she could go all pray-crazy in the middle of school's hallway. I stood up so I wouldn't feel so week in front of her.

"You've tarnished Ciel!" She cried. "You've turned him into your kind." Tears streamed down her face, and she looked at me sadly. I felt no pity.

"Listen, if I know one thing about the Bible, it's that it clearly states not to judge people, and you're judging me right now. That's one big sin." The bell rang. "I don't have time for this." I spat before I ran to my next class. I could still feel the stinging on my cheek.


"She did what?" Ciel asked when I finished explaining what happened in the hallway. Apparently, when people fight, word gets around fast. Although, most rumors weren't true. "So you didn't hit back?"

"Only with the word of the Lord." I smirked. "Damned Bible freaks never stop with their incessant 'gays are bad' nonsense."

Ciel chuckled. "Maybe I should've told you about that. She's always been a little on the freaky side of Catholic."

I raised an eyebrow. "A little? I wouldn't be shocked if Jesus himself walked in and asked her to calm down."

He chuckled. "Sorry again." He apologized. 

"You don't have to apologize, you're not the one who punched me." I said. The bell rang, signalling that lunch was over and we had to get to class.

Ciel stood up and kissed my cheek. "See you after school, love." He smiled some and walked away.

I stopped, I didn't want to but it seemed like my whole body was surprised. Did he just use the L word? Sure, he said it like a nickname, but surely that meant the same thing, right? Right? I smiled to myself and walked to class. This was going to be one hell of a study session. 

Tutor Me? (Cielois, Black Butler) **IN NEED OF EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now