Those Boys, Another Five Years Later

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*heavy sigh* you guys, it's time.

This, my boo boos, is the last chapter of Tutor Me?

So this will have some smut in it, but not much. I'll also be using some of your user names (not during the smut though, sorry).



Alois smirked as he led his bluenette husband to the bedroom.

"What if he hears?" Ciel whispered to the blonde.

The icy eyed boy shook his head. "You're such a worry-wart. Calm down! He's asleep and he won't hear a thing. Unless you scream." He giggled.

Ciel nodded a little, his sapphire eyes showing he'd calmed down. He allowed himself to be practically thrown on the bed as Alois closed and locked the door.

Alois giggled as he crawled on top of him and kissed him deeply. Slowly but surely, the kiss became heated, clothes were thrown carelessly to the floor and hands wandered the others body. Though they'd probably touched, kissed and licked every inch of the other, they couldn't get enough of the feeling.

Without warning, Alois began to thrust into Ciel, causing the smaller boy (excuse me, MANLY MAN) to moan loudly and grip Alois' shoulders.

This continued until both MANLY MEN reached their climax with two more loud moans.

Alois panted and pulled out of Ciel, falling beside him on the bed and hugging him close. Even if they weren't having sex, Alois still felt the need to be touching the bluenette.

Ciel smiled a little as he panted. He pulled the covers over both of them before hugging Alois back. After a few minutes of hugging in silence, a loud boom was heard from outside. Knowing the drill, both MANLY MEN sighed and quickly put on underwear and pajama pants.

As if on cue, a small boy cracked open their door. "D-daddies?" He said, sounding utterly terrified of what he'd heard outside.

Both Ciel and Alois smiled. "Come on in, darling, we heard the thunder too." Ciel said.

The bluenette boy giggled happily and ran into their room, jumping on the large bed and taking his place between the two, his light, icy blue eyes shimmering happily.

Both fathers laid down next to him and scooted closer, cuddling into the 3 year old. They all soon fell asleep in each other's arms.

The next morning, the older blonde awoke due to the annoying alarm clock. Alois groaned as he sat up and looked to the side, noticing Ciel and Luka were gone. Worried, he practically ran out of the room and down the stairs of the large manor. He jumped into the kitchen and saw them sitting at the table. Relief washed over him as he walked to the counter and made his morning coffee (dats right, not tea bishes).

The small bluenette boy giggled. "Daddies?" He looked up at them. "Why are you guys married?" He asked suddenly. Luka had always asked them these things, mainly when he noticed most children had a mother and a father, not two of one gender.

Ciel smiled a little. "Because we love each other." He said, setting down his phone.

Luka nodded a little before asking another question. "Why?"

"We just do." Alois said, sitting down at the table. "You'll understand someday."

Luka nodded again, still slightly confused.

Ciel stood up. "I've gotta go to work. Love you both." He kissed Luka's forehead and pecked Alois' lips before heading off to work for the day.

Now if you think Ciel is working at any old company, you my beautiful friend, are wrong. He was working at Funtom Toy Co., and not only was he working there, he was the boss. Das right, bitches he is the boss ass bitch we've all been hearing about. Today was strange, he was getting three new employees, whose names he could not remember for the life of him.

Tutor Me? (Cielois, Black Butler) **IN NEED OF EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now