His Fiancèe Walking Down The Isle

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IT'S WHAT YOU'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR, THE TRANCYHIVE WEDDING! *dances like a crazy white dad on meth*

This wedding was planned by Gracie_Sutcliffe1124 and I (who really helped, thanks so much darling). I'm giving her most of the credit though, because I'm horrible with weddings and she really helped me with this!

I kinda jump between POVs during this chapter, I apologize for that.

Once again, I've used some of your user names throughout the chapter, sorry to those I left out.



On a beautiful April day, two boys were about to get married. Instead of having one Trancy boy and one Phantomhive boy, we were going to have two Phantomhive boys. Alois insisted on having Ciel's last name, something about it always being a dream of his?

But, sadly, our bluenette groom could not find his blondie. After a while of searching, he thought he finally found the room he was supposed to be in. "Lo-" he paused, heading grunts and muttering from inside the room. Was Alois cheating on him? Without a second thought, Ciel flung the door open.

There Alois was, with the twins.... putting on a corset.

"Ow! Damn it! It's tight enough! Now tie it so I might be able to breathe again!" Alois ordered.

Ciel laughed. "I told you not to wear the corset... Now look at you."

Alois looked at him in annoyance as the twins tied his corset. "You've been calling me the girl of the relationship, so I took it to the next level, I just thought I'd be able to breathe in the damned thing." He sighed and smiled a little. "You know it's bad luck for us to see each other."

Ciel smiled and looked over his body. Alois had insisted on wearing a corset and a skirt kinda thing. His veil was long with blue and purple flowers on the top. Ciel's tux was black with a blue tie and a purple flower in his breast pocket. If you can't tell, their colors were blue, purple and white. "Yes, but I'm marrying a guy, and I just couldn't wait to see you in a corset."

Alois shook his head as he put his veil on. "You've seen me wearing an Ariel costume before." Ciel chuckled and kissed his cheek. "You're walking down the isle in five, cutie." He left the room. He walked outside and to his spot in the gardens alter. The "bridesmaids" and the "groomsmen" stood on either side.

On the side Alois would be standing on, stood the "bridesmaids" wearing purple dresses. The... People wearing the dresses were Tamaki, Kyoya, and Kaoru.

Beside Ciel, stood Haruhi, Mori, and Hikaru. They all wore black tuxes with blue bow ties.

Ciel looked around, looking at all of the guests. He noticed a group of girls who were in the front row, three had tape over their mouths and arms crossed grumpily. He could barely hear some of the others whisper "do not touch his booty" and "stay away from him, Amorli, he's not really your husband".

Before he could really question it and try to remember where he'd seen those girls, the music began to play. After a moment, Elizabeth came walking down the isle (*fan girls pause*), holding a basket (*fan girls sigh in relief*). As she skipped down the isle, she tossed the blue and purple flower pedals. She stopped upon reaching the end of the isle and stood next to the bridesmaids.

Honey came down the isle too, holding both rings on a small pillow. He giggled as he skipped, standing in front of the grooms"men".

Finally, everyone stood up as Alois walked down the isle, holding a blue and purple bouquet. He made it to Ciel and smiled sweetly at him.

Tutor Me? (Cielois, Black Butler) **IN NEED OF EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now