That Boy Has a Nice Butt

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Ouran High School Academy is---

Oops, I mean, Ciel and Alois' high school's winter break was over, which meant back to school for our favorite lovers. But sadly, Ciel would be attending alone on the third day back, for Alois got sick.

Now that the boys have been together for a while, everyone was fully aware, so most girls backed off (epecially Katy, who cowered at the very sight of the duo, something about someone visiting her in the hosptital? ;D) and so did guys.... Though there was one boy who kept an eye on a certain blunette, who seemed to be good at catching people's eyes lately. It wasn't that Alois wasn't as attractive as Ciel, it was just.... Booty shorts weren't everyone's cup of tea.

Also Ciel has a nice booty (It's one fly booty. Wink wink). And don't tell me that you don't think so I mean Alois may wear booty shorts but... Anywho, there were rumors going around that Ciel was into blondes, which was infact true. Everyone has their prefrences, I guess (I'm not blonde so I'm upset by this. And I'm the one who wrote it).

There happened to be another gay blonde boy in the school, well known, too. His name was Carter Jones. Attractive boy, nice, cool, smart, and amazing green eyes (like damn). His booty was okay, not as fly as Ciel's, though. Ciel booty for life. (I should change my username to that)

While Carter was a popular and well known, out of the closet gay, handsome, funny, charming, blond guy, he had the hardest time flirting with Ciel. He'd tried so many times, but the boy was so damn faithful. He hated that. Just because he couldn't flirt with Ciel doesn't mean he didn't eye-rape him at least 80% of the time. I mean how could he not? Have you seen his ass? Damn.....

.......What was I talking about again? Oh yeah! But today, after a few days of being back to school, was different. Alois Trancy was sick, which meant Ciel could have other things on his mind today, and hopefully other things in his----

... So Carter had a plan. He had plenty of classes with Ciel, so he was going to take advantage of that. Today would be the day, he'd steal Ciel Phantomhive away from Alois Trancy.


The bell rang, yelling at the students that class was over and they could go to lunch. Being seniors, Ciel's class ate later than everyone else, so he was starving by the time lunch came.

"Hey, Ciel!" A blond boy came running up to him. Knowing it wasn't Alois, Ciel exactly perk up to greet the other person. Despite that, Carter walked next to him happily. "I was wondering if you'd want to eat with me?" He asked sweetly.

Ciel thought for a moment. He would've sat alone today, since his boyfriend wasn't here. But would Alois be jealous? Eh, it's not like it's a date, right? "Sure." Ciel agreed, mostly to save time. He really wanted to eat.

Carter felt happiness burst inside of him. "Alois should get sick more often." He muttered to himself.

"Hm?" Ciel looked at the slightly taller blond.

Carter shook his head and smiled. "Nothing. Shall we sit and eat?" He offered, pointing to two seats at an empty table.

Ciel quickly sat down, pulling out the meal Sebastian had made for him (with love).

Carter couldn't help but take a moment to stare at Ciel. Damn was this boy hot or what? His deep blue eyes and bluenette hair... Like he said, he wished the Trancy boy would get sick more often.

"What are you looking at?" Ciel looked at the emerald eyed blond in front I him.

Carter snapped out of his daze and blushed. "You're very attractive, that's all."

(*Fangirls start to pick up their weapons again*. Baylee_Trancyhive got a new chicken too)

Ciel blushed brightly. "Oh, uhm, thank you."

Carter smirked. So far, he'd only seen Ciel blush a few times before, and all of those times it had been because of Alois, but now he could have that effect on the sapphire eyed beauty.

Soon, lunch was over and the two boys had to go back to class.

"So, Ciel," Carter started nervously. "We should talk more often." He smiled a little.

Ciel smiled a little too. "I'd love to. But..."

"But what?" Carter asked quickly.

"Alois can get pretty jealous..." Ciel sighed a little. "He wouldn't even be too happy about me eating with you today. Especially because you're a blond gay guy." He smiled a little. "Anyway, I've gotta get to class. See you later." Ciel walked off to class, unknowing of the set of eyes on dat booty.

"Ciel Phantomhive..." Carter whispered to himself as he walked to his class. "You will be mine."


Okay girls get your weapons, Mor3lulz how's your shovel? _Elizabeth__Midford_ sharpen those swords we might have to kill a bitch.

I purposely made him the male version of Elizabeth though.... It just felt like something that had to be done, you know?

I have no regrets about the amount of times I discussed Ciel's ass during this chapter, mainly because I know I'm not alone on this Ciel booty obsession (Lord_CielPhantomhive.... that gif tho).

Anywho, you guys I'm going to have to thank you every chapter, aren't I? 8,000 reads! Yay!

Until next time, my boo boos~

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