His Boyfriend, Enraged

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*heavy sigh* Okay Katrina, here we go, do not put in anymore SebaCiel...


Ciel laid on his bed silently. Sebastian had kissed him. His hot older butler kissed him, after he found out he had a promise ring. The nerve of him! He could see that he and Alois were in a serious relationship and he still kissed him.

Ciel hadn't kissed back, but, admittedly, he didn't exactly pull away either.

And he felt bad about it, but for who? Sebastian or Alois? While he loved Alois, he really did, no doubt about it, Sebastian was... Sebastian was Sebastian (incredibly hot).

Another thing, Ciel did used to have a crush on Sebastian, but pushed it aside as childish and never going to happen, then... It did. At the wrong time.

Ciel forced the thoughts out of his head so he'd get at least three hours of sleep for school tomorrow. Just three...

"Good morning, Ciel." Sebastian said as he opened his curtains. "School today."

And it was already morning...

Ciel groaned and slipped out of bed- er, fell would be a better word. He pulled himself up off the floor and stumbled into the bathroom for his daily routine.

After brushing and washing and dressing, he could finally plop down and eat the breakfast Sebastian had made, just like everyday.

But today was not like everyday...

Sebastian set down the bowl with mixed fruits and Ciel's tea. He waited for Ciel to finish and took them both into the kitchen, putting them in the sink. He noticed he had twenty minutes until he'd have to drive Ciel to school and he smirked. Twenty minutes was all he needed...

(*Smooth Criminal plays in distance*)


Ciel got out of that car quickly when Sebastian dropped him off. Can you say sexual tension?

Sebastian had kissed him again before he went to school, this one was more heated and Ciel still wasn't sure if he'd kissed back or if Sebastian just forced his tongue into his mouth.

Maybe Ciel could avoid Alois for the day, because if he didn't and Alois thought something seemed off, Ciel might spill and tell him what happened. And Alois might smack Sebastian in the face with a shovel.


"Ciel!" Alois ran up to him happily. "Sorry about yesterday, it's just both Elizabeth and Katy were in that class and I wanted to set the record straight. Your sexy ass is mine." He kissed him softly.

Ciel smiled some, but then frowned. He felt terrible about what had happened with Sebastian. He pulled away quickly and smiled weakly at him. "What a nice hello." He teased, trying to get back into his old self, which was hard to do considering the guilt was eating at him.

Alois raised an eyebrow, knowing something was off. "What is it?" He asked bluntly.

Ciel sighed. "It's nothing." He lied.

Before Alois could tell him he knew he was lying, the bell rang, yelling at them to get to class. This is where the over-used term "saved by the bell" comes into effect.

Ciel waved and quickly walked to class as Alois, slightly concerned, walked off to class too.


"Is there something wrong?" Alois asked when Ciel was still being quiet during their tutoring session.

Ciel shook his head and wrote something down.

Alois frowned and took his papers and books, pushing them aside. He placed a hand under Ciel's chin, forcing him to look him in the eye. "What's wrong?" He questioned again.

"It's nothing." Ciel lied.

Alois' eyes narrowed. "Tell me." He demanded, his voice level raising.

Ciel knew that if he didn't tell him soon, Alois would freak out due to his anger issues. He bit his lip. "Alois calm down..." He said softly.

It didn't work. Alois only seemed to grow angrier. "Tell me!" He shouted.

Ciel began to worry. There was no calming Alois down now, but if he told him about Sebastian, he might freak out even more. And he knows where the shovels are. But if he didn't tell him, something bad could happen to him. "Uhm, Sebastian.. Kissed me. Twice." He admitted.

If Alois could get any angrier, he did. And he was about to unleash on Sebastian.


And, like an asshole, I'm ending it there!

I just realized that this is the first time I've ever put my actual name in something like this, it's not even in my bio.

The more you know

Anywho, I'll leave you all to wonder what happens next for a while.

Until next time, my boo boos~

Tutor Me? (Cielois, Black Butler) **IN NEED OF EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now