His Student, Kissable

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Ciel's POV*

I know what you're thinking. You're thinking I'm crazy for kissing the blonde. But to be honest, I have no idea why I even thought about doing it. Was it the way that he laughed and smiled?The way that he looked at me with amazement in his eyes? How he was adorable like a child but still mature and sexy like a grown man.

Now here we are, tongues dancing, arms around each other, eyes closed. I have no idea how long this went on all I know is when we pulled away, I immediately regretted the decision. Not only was I technically cheating on Elizabeth, but I just kissed another man!

I pulled away quickly and looked into Alois' icy blue eyes. They glimmered. Looking into them made me want to lean in and kiss him all over again. With all of my will power, I held back.

"Y-you should go," I said after a few moments of silence spent staring. "It's getting late and I don't need Claud breathing down my neck like when we were kids."

"O-okay." He seemed frozen for another few seconds before he got up, grabbed his bag and left.

I couldn't decide if I was relieved or depressed at the sight of him leaving. I've never felt this way before, the ache in both my head and heart, the guilt slowly building up. I hate it.

~At School Early The Next Day :3~

I sat in my corner of the library. Okay so, it wasn't mine but basically no one comes back here and no one can see back here, there was a table with two chairs to read at. It was the perfect hiding spot.

Too bad one blonde always knew where to find me.

I knew we needed to talk, I'd stayed up all night planning what to say, but seeing him walk over to me, booty shorts and all, it all became real. Too real.

He walked over to the book shelf and scanned. He wasn't really reading them, just like he was trying to think of what to do.

I sighed. Why did I have to be the mature one? "Alois," I said. "Sit down, please."

He awkwardly took his place across from me.

"I'm sorry about what happened at my house last night," I said. "It won't happen again, I just wasn't thinking straight." I smiled as kindly as I could. The ache in my heart only grew stronger, slowly ripping my heart to shreds as the blonde's face faltered slightly before regaining it's small, natural smirk.

"Wonderful, I'll be by tonight?" He asked.

"Yes." The bell rang, signaling us to go to our first hour classes. Luckily, I had Algebra and Alois had English. "See you in Chorus."

~Studying! \(^~^)/~

"So, D squared plus C squared.... Are you even listening to me?" I asked.

The blonde looked as if I'd just woken him up. "Oh yeah the thing about the D and squares...."

I raised an eyebrow at his sentence, which made little to no sense.

He sighed. "Okay, fine. Stop looking at me like that, I wasn't okay, my mind isn't with me today."

"Get it with you, there's a test tomorrow that's worth twenty percent of your grade." I stated. God, I sounded like a parent.

"I'm just a little upset, that's all." He said grumpily.

"Oh, did you hear they canceled Super Natural?" I smirked.

He shot up. "They WHAT?" He yelped.

"I'm kidding!" I laughed.

"Don't you dare kid around like that." He said in a low and serious tone, but the smirk on his formally troubled face had shown he wasn't mad. Seconds later his eyes became watery.

Suddenly, he reminded me of a certain blonde girl I knew whose emotions were everywhere.... "W-what's wrong?" I asked the suddenly crying boy.

"Why, Ciel? Why don't you want it to happen again?" He sobbed.

"What are you talking about? The kiss?" I asked, startled.

"Yes! Why don't you want it to happen? Can't you see it?"

"See what?" I asked curiously.

"I've had a crush on you since the freaking 6th grade, not like you should've noticed or anything. And then, my dream comes true and you finally make the first move only to regret it and have me leave minutes later." He yelled at me in what sounded like a drunken rage. "I love you, you damned idiot!"

Tutor Me? (Cielois, Black Butler) **IN NEED OF EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now