His Tutor, Under the Bleachers

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"I do not want to go to science." Ciel groaned as he walked to class next to me.

"We could always skip..." I smirked at him. "I know of some place private."

Ciel looked at me. "I am not making out in the bathroom." He said. "It's complet-"

"No! I meant under the bleachers." I sighed. "The bathroom Ciel? When you hear 'private' you think of the bathroom?"

"It seems private." He shrugged. "But yes, the bleachers. Let's go." He turned a corner and started walking towards the gym, me doing the same.

I giggled when we walked in and led him under the bleachers, immediately pulling him in for a kiss.

He kissed back, wrapping his arms around my neck, allowing my arms to rest at his waist. He parted his lips, allowing me entrance into his mouth, which I gladly took. I explored inside, my hands were now running through Ciel's hair, his were doing the same.

A few moans and kisses later, I heard something... Or someone.

"Ciel, get out of there! You too, Eliza- Alois?" Mr. Spears said. "Oh! Anyway, both of you, out! To the principal's office, now!"

Both Ciel and I walked out from under the bleachers, blushing madly.

Mr. Spears led us to the office, muttering something about "Sutcliffe is psychic" and "I swear those fan fictions predict the future" and even "oh no the smut chapter".

Wait.... Smut chapter?

"You can both go in and tell the principal what you've done." Mr. Spears said, sitting back at his desk.

Ciel and I nodded and walked in. We sat down in the chairs and faced the back of Mr. Sutcliffe's big red chair.

"Let me guess," he said, still not facing us. "More inappropriate comments in science class?" He sighed heavily.

"No, sir. We were caught... Making out under the bleachers." Ciel said awkwardly.

Mr. Sutcliffe turned around slowly and looked us over. Our hair was messy and our clothes were sloppily put on, considering a few buttons had been undone under the bleachers.

"Oh my god...." He said in amazement. "It happened. It actually happened!" He quickly pulled out the fan fiction (titled "Tutor Me?", stupid name for a story, right?) he flipped through a few chapters, naming them all out loud. "Tutor me, His Tutor, Annoyed, His Tutor, Friendly, His Student, Kissable, His Tutor, Stupid, His Student, Helpful, His Tutor, Drunk," He looked at Ciel after naming that one. "His Tutor, Loving, which brings us to today, His Tutor, Under the Bleachers... Where you both got caught making out under the bleachers." He sounded confused and amazed.

"What are you saying?" I asked.

"This fan fiction, it's no longer fiction." Now he almost sounded scared. "I've predicted the future!" He smiled. "And next chapter..." He grinned. "I'll just let this one go unnamed. Remember to lock your bedroom door, Ciel." He smirked.

Ciel blushed darkly, and I probably did the same. "So, what's our punishment?" He asked, probably trying to get us out of this room.

"Nothing. Just like in the fan fiction." He said. "Being the cool principal I am, I have no punishment. Be on your way."

Ciel and I stood up and quickly left the room, just as the bell rang, signaling that the day was over.

"Now it's official," I said. "Our principal's psychic!"

A.N: I loved writing this chapter and the idea of it! Big thanks to iamanawesometaco for giving me this because it was just amazing!!

Tutor Me? (Cielois, Black Butler) **IN NEED OF EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now