Those Boys, Five Years Later

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WARNING: Fangirls, Dresses, OHSHC refrences, raw chickens, explict useage of a spoon, fireworks and many, many more...



What happens after a break up is always a blur, and that's what it was like for Ciel Phantomhive. He'd always remember Alois, because he was always going to be special to him. Whether it was because he took his virginity or because there was still a part of him that loved him, he'd never know.

For whatever the reason, he'd still decided to move on. And he did, he now had a boyfriend of three years, and it was someone he already knew.

Carter Jones. (Sorry Amorli)

Yes my friends that cute blonde boy just so happened to go to the same college as our bluenette beauty. For two years they remained friends and then they got an apartment together and then things changed.... But I'll keep the details to myself, all you need to know is they've been together for three years.

So one fatal day, December 31st to be exact, Christmas was over and Ciel had just celebrated his 23rd birthday with his friends and boyfriend now it was almost the new year. Ciel had gone through five of these without Alois, so he was pretty used to it, especially because of the new boyfriend he'd been kissing every year 12:00 on the dot.

So when he went to one of his friend's parties, nothing seemed different, other than the fact that the home was filled with partying people.

Being the Ciel Phantomhive he'd always be, Ciel stayed close to his boyfriend or close friends through most of the night, being an introvert, mingling didn't exactly sound fun. Around 11:22 Ciel did finally leave his group of friends, but definitely not to mingle.

He went over to the snack table (FOOOOOOOOD) to get a drink (Awwwww). He after getting his drink he bumped into someone. "Oh I'm so sorry!" He said quickly, not really looking at the person, just searching for stains on either of their shirts. This is why he doesn't stray from his friends.

"Oh it's fine- Ciel?" The person said.

He looked up and saw Sebastian, nah I'm fucking with you, it was the one and only Alois Trancy. "Oh..." Ciel muttered. "Hello..."

Alois smiled. "Oh my gosh, Ciel, it's really you!" He giggled and reached for his hand.

Before he could say or do anything else, Carter came up and hugged Ciel from behind, kissing his cheek. "Hey darling, what's taking so long?"

Ciel paused. "Oh I was just..." He glanced at Alois briefly. "I got you a drink." He handed one of the cups to Carter, who gladly took it.

"Thanks, darling." He kissed his cheek before being called over by one of their friends.

"CARTER, HIKARU AND KAORU ARE DOING THE THING AGAIN, FUCK!" Their friend yelled. (I tried to stop myself, I really did.)

"Ugh..." Carter groaned. "I'll talk to you later, Ciel, save me a kiss, would you?" He smirked. "And maybe something else~" He pecked his lips and left, walking over towards where he heard the twins were "doing the thing".

Alois frowned, jealousy boiling up inside of him. "It's funny, you told me I'd never have to worry about him." He said sarcastically, sipping his drink.

Ciel raised an eyebrow. "And you said forever, I guess we all say things we don't mean at times." He retorted in a calm voice. "I don't think you have the right to be rude to me."

Alois felt the boiling jealousy and anger wash away, only to feel the cold air of regret. "I'm sorry..."


Tutor Me? (Cielois, Black Butler) **IN NEED OF EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now