His Husband, Wants A Baby

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Ciel and Alois were on their third day of their honeymoon. So far, Alois had had Ciel preform some kind of sexual act at least five times, today he was hoping for just a day with Alois, but with his husband being weirdly horny (I really hate this word) lately, he didn't think that'd happen.

Alois smiled to himself as he watched Ciel walk into the bathroom. All he could think about was that ass. How it swayed when he walked, how round it was, and how much he wanted to---

"You can stop eye raping me now." Ciel rolled his beautiful eyes at Alois' very clear, very inappropriate looks. (;D)(Wait, does anyone remember this line?)

Alois blushed as he sat up in bed. "I can't help myself, sexy." He smiled and pulled on his arm to get him back in bed.

Ciel rolled his eyes and pulled his arm away. "I'm going to take a shower. Care to join me?" He smiled. In Ciel's mind, showers could be innocent. Not to Alois.

Ciel got into the bathroom and turned on the shower before stripping.

Alois walked in the room and saw his Ciel naked and stepping into the shower. He smiled and stripped, getting in with him.

Ciel was standing under the water, his back facing his blonde companion. He felt a hand glide down his side and squeeze his rear, causing him to moan softly.

Alois smirked, but gasped softly when he was pushed against the wall.

Ciel smirked as the water ran down his back and he looked into Alois' eyes. "What? Did you think I'd let you top again?" He asked, almost in a teasing tone as he kissed from Alois' jawline to his collar bone. Alois let out sweet moans with each kiss, only making him continue, until Alois let out a particuarly loud moan and he smirked. "Found it~" He continued to kiss, lick and suck on that very spot until he was satisfied with the hickie he'd left.

During this time, the blonde felt weak, yet amazing. Who knew Ciel would be so good at taking control? Yeah, he'd done it before, but never like this. This was different. This was magical. He moaned again as he felt Ciel caress his hard member.... Wait, this felt different than just touching him, this felt good. Like really good. He looked down and saw that the bluenette was licking his erection (I laughed for five minutes after writing this wtf is wrong with me?)

Ciel smiled as he noticed Alois was really enjoying this. Like really enjoying it. Who knew his tongue could have so much power over him? Ciel smirked a little. If his tongue had this much power, how would Alois react to his whole mouth? He decided he'd soon find out as he took him all into his mouth and sucked on him, earning loud and erotic moans from his husband.

Soon enough Alois came. How could he not when seeing the bluenette's head bobbing up and down while he worked that wonderful tongue of his? He panted heavily as Ciel swallowed and stood up straight.

Ciel smirked as he saw the red faced Alois. This was something Alois always did to him, and now he did it to Alois. "You taste good." He said, teasing him a little.

Alois blushed more. "Oh be quiet." He kissed his cheek. "Let's just shower, darling."

And so they did, after their shower Alois pushed the still naked Ciel into the bedroom and performing more sexual acts, which I refuse to write because I literally just wrote one. Sorry.

After all of that, both boys lay between the sheets, cuddled into each other.

"With how much sex we're having, I'd think you're trying to get me pregnant." Ciel teased, his fingers tracing the lines of Alois' little abs.

Alois smiled. "I mean, if you could, I would." He admitted. "I want kids, I know you do too. We could always adopt...."

Ciel looked up at him. "We just got married."

"I don't mean I want a child right now, just, maybe someday in the future, we'd adopt or do one of those things where we choose some girl to have our child or whatever." He muttered grumpily.

Ciel smiled and kissed his cheek. "I'd like that."

The formally grumpy blonde seemed to be excited by that and hugged his husband close burying his face into his neck. "I love you, Ciel."

The bluenette smiled. "I love you too, Alois."



Describing a blow job is awkward. And again the woRD ERECTION OMFG WHY

Thank you guys so much for over 16,000 reads!

Anyway, next chapter will be the *sniffs* LAST CHAPTER OF TUTOR ME(?)! *cries in corner*

Unless you count the fact that I'm putting all of my deleted chapters into one and letting you guys read that horrible mess. There is a reason I delete things, my friends.

So, until next time, my boo boos~

Tutor Me? (Cielois, Black Butler) **IN NEED OF EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now