His Student, Rehearsing

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"We send the land folks off to cook while under the sea we off da hook! We got no troubles, life is the bubbles under the sea-!"

Alois was cut off by the music stopping.

"What was wrong this time?" He sighed heavily. Druitt had been cutting him off mid-song for the past week.

"Your voice is too.... Sad. You need to be happier!" Druitt exclaimed.

"I'm singing about my fellow fish friends dying, but okay, I'll sing happier." Alois said sarcastically with an eye roll.

Ciel, who was sitting in the audience, laughed. Alois was growing more and more annoyed with Druitt's complaints as the day of the play came closer. They still had two weeks and Ciel was afraid to see him on the last rehearsal.

Our favorite bitch, Katy (_Elizabeth__Midford_, remember when you promised not to kill me?) who just so happened to be sitting by Ciel, snickered. She leaned in close to Ciel. "Druitt is starting to freak out." She whispered in his ear.

Ciel nodded in agreement. "He's going to make you change between your tail and dress again because you're 'not fast enough'." He rolled his eyes.

She laughed overly loudly, causing Alois to look over at them.

Katy had managed to be practically on top of his boyfriend. She was seemingly trying to tangle her legs with his.

Ciel, apparently, didn't even notice her trying to make a move on him. He was just smiling, talking and watching the performance until it was his time to go up.

Finally it was his time, Alois didn't have to watch Katy shamelessly flirt with him.

Now he got to watch them on stage. Since Druitt was just going through random scenes, it was time for the contest scene.

Girls lined up and fought over Ciel by singing trying to prove who was the girl he'd heard in the beginning scene.

Alois knew that they were only acting, but he didn't like it one bit.

"Listen to me, now don't I sound rich?" Annie sang in a fake-terrible voice.

The girls continued to fight over him as Ciel acted annoyed and bored and somewhat confused.

Ariel then pushed the rest of the girls aside and cleared her throat.

Ciel acted excited to see what was going to happen, Christian (or Mosely) did too.

She started doing the dance she'd "learned" in a previous scene from Prince Eric.

A lot of other stuff happened, including Ariel being made fun of and then being held by Eric, him claiming that he only wanted to be with her.

"Stop!" Druitt yelled. "There's something wrong." He tapped on his chin. "You both need more chemistry." He decided. "That's it, as of now you both need to spend more time with each other!"

Alois' eyes widened. "What?" He exclaimed. He blushed when everyone looked at him.

Katy only smiled brightly. "Well, if it's for the play..." She said innocently. "Maybe we could hang out after school?" She smiled at Ciel.

"Actually," Alois said, walking up to the stage. "Ciel and I have to study tonight. We study every night. Sorry~" he held on to Ciel's arms and cuddled close to him and kissed his cheek.

Ciel was blushing. "He's right..." He said.

Druitt sighed. "I still need you both together more. Why don't you let Katy join in on your little study sessions?"

Alois pouted and before he could protest, Katy spoke up. "That sounds like a great idea. Tonight at 3?" The bell rang, which meant rehearsals were over. "Here's my number, you can just text me your address." She skipped off to her next class.

Ciel just held the paper. "So, she's coming over." He sighed.

Alois was once again boiling. How dare she? He was still mad that she is going to kiss him three times. Suddenly, Alois got an idea. He smiled a little as he and Ciel walked to science class.

Maybe she wouldn't kiss him three times...


Guess who lied and can update her chapters? :D

I personally blame my parents for lying to me, but I'll take the blame just this once.

God I think you guys are going to kill Katy. She's already getting death threats which is terrifying... But really fun to read.

Next chapter shall be one of the shows and please try to hold off killing Katy until then!

Until next time, my boo boos~

Tutor Me? (Cielois, Black Butler) **IN NEED OF EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now