His Tutor, Friendly

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"Alois, I must say your grades have improved wonderfully." Ms. Grell smiled kindly. Ms. Grell, well she hasn't always been a woman, if you catch my drift. She was nice, a little crazy sometimes, but nice.

"I can't take all of the credit, Ciel Phantomhive has been tutoring me for the past two weeks." I smiled back, thinking of the blunette. Over these past two weeks, Ciel had started to break down that invisible wall he'd built over his fun side. Ciel was actually super easy to talk to. Yes, he'd still get annoyed sometimes but other than that, I had a new friend.

"That's great, boy." She said. "Now, that was all I wanted to say, you may leave."

"Thank you Ms. Grell." I said. I checked the clock before leaving and realized that I was already late to Ciel and I's tutor session! I ran out of the school, down a few streets and found myself right in front of the boys house in minutes. Thank God I took track in middle school.

"You know, when you came up with the idea of me tutoring you, I was hoping you wouldn't be ten minutes late." Ciel said when he let me into his mansion like home.

I shrugged off my jacket and put it on the rack. "I'm sorry, Ms. Grell pulled me aside and Mr. Spears before her."

"About your grade raise?" He asked, leading me to his room.

"Yeah," I held onto my bag, which held all my books and phone. I could tell he'd started his homework and studying already, also started snacking. Sitting on his made bed was a big bowl of cherries, my favorite fruit.

"I thought so, you've actually improved quite well." He complimented in his usual, flat tone. Except today, there was a smile in his voice. He offered the cherry bowl to me, which I gladly took a few.

"Thanks." I smiled. I picked off the stem and are the sweet red fruit. Cherries didn't taste like fruit, maybe that's why I liked them, they reminded me of candy. Sweet, juicy, red candy.

~ skippiest of times ~

"Just name something weird you can do, I did it!" I explained toward Ciel. We'd finished our homework and started talking.

"Fine," He glanced around the room. "I can tie a cherry stem in my mouth." He said.

"Nu-uh," I laughed. "Prove it!"

Ciel sighed, picked up a cherry, plucked off the stem and put it in his mouth. After a few seconds he pulled it out, tied. "See?"

"You know what that means," I teased.

"No, what is it?" He asked.

Really? Was Ciel that innocent? "It means you're a good kisser, dumb dumb!" I explain. "The ladies want that." I poked at him. Okay, maybe not just the ladies want him. So what if I sometimes fantasized about crashing my lips against his delicate pink ones?

"That is so-" he was cut off by his phone ringing. "Hello, Ciel speaking."

I stifled a laugh at his mature greeting. Most guys our age greeted with "Wazzup" or "Sup".

He stuck his tongue out at me childishly. "No Elizabeth, it's Alois. Why the fuck would I cheat on you? Last time a girl looked at me she disappeared."

I could hear the blonde chattering on the other end, Elizabeth talking non-stop about how she just "cared too much". Yeah right.

"Okay, well I'm super busy so I've got to go. Okay, yeah. Bye." He pushed the end button add turned back to me.

"Super busy?" I asked, playfully.

He smirked. "I'm busy with you." He said in a.... flirtatious tone? Before I could understand what was going on, Ciel's lips crashed onto mine.

My eyes widened. This was so wrong, yet it felt too right. I let my eyes close and kissed back. I licked his lip, asking for entrance which he let me have. I felt him pull his hands through my hair and venture around my body.

And I only had one thing to say about Ciel at this moment.

He tasted like cherries.

Tutor Me? (Cielois, Black Butler) **IN NEED OF EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now