Try Me

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"Try me, Daddy."

Jungkook snapped his head in my direction. He didn't know what to say or do as I walked into the highschool with Chol. He ran up to me.

"I'll take you up on that." Jungkook whispered seductively.

"You do that Jungkook." I said as Chol happily pranced into the highschool.

With that Jungkook took his chances. He grabbed my hip and slowly started to slide down from my hip to my high thigh then back up and into my black and white Nike shorts. A slight moan escaped my mouth.

"Nuna?" Chol squeaked confused on what was happening.

Just then Jungkook was called down to the stage. He quickly sprinted away.

"Bye, babygirl." He yelled while running. You and Chol entered the auditorium.

"What just happened?" Chol said curiously.

The ceremony started before I could even try to come up with an excuse.


Chol and I stood and watched everyone getting their diplomas, when Jungkook walked onto the stage I couldn't contain my smile. He accepted his diploma and found me in the crowd. He wrapped his arms around my waist as I walked towards my car. Jungkook took my keys and jumped in the front seat, obviously wanting to drive me somewhere. I got in the passenger seat and Chol hopped in the backseat.

"Jungkook, I wanted to take Chol out to eat before we get home." I told him where I wanted to go (Anywhere you want to go) and he started driving.

Once we reached our destination we sat down, ate, and messed around. Chol really seemed to like Jungkook. Everything was fine until I felt Jungkook's hand on my thigh. His hand slid higher on my thigh at the tip of my shorts. At this point I was most likely as red as a tomato. Jungkook's hand slid into my shorts and I put one hand on my mouth, leaning on the table as if nothing happened. Jungkook loved my expression apparently, he slid his hand to the point that he had touched my panties. Then he took his hand away as if nothing happened. I glared at him as Chol continued to talk about whatever while stuffing his mouth with food. Jungkook listened to Chol, but caught my glare and smirked. I turned my attention towards Chol who was now considering what to eat for dessert.

Jungkook paid for dinner and got back in the car as Chol squealed in the back seat. I got in and Jungkook smiled and licked his lips.


Jungkook turned his head forward and started the car. Jungkook looked back at my confused face and whispered only loud enough for me to hear.


I looked away from him and out the window already knowing I was red. When I reached the house Chol got out and ran to the house. I started to get out before Jungkook grabbed my wrist.

"We're going to make a little trip before we go back." One of his eyebrows jumped as he spoke.

He basically pulled me back into the car. I sat there and waited. We arrived somewhere but Jungkook told me not to get out of the car and he parked in between two vans so I couldn't even see the stores. I waited for Jungkook to return. He came back with a brown paper bag. As he set it down next to me, I tried to peek inside. Jungkook quickly clenched the top of the bag, shutting it again. I pouted as he snatched the bag away.

Jungkook v1 {Isolation} (Book 1) Smut Warning!!Where stories live. Discover now