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Jungkook pulled me to sit on his torso, but I couldn't stop looking at the bag.

Where did all the contents go?

"Looking for these?" Jungkook held up a blindfold and handcuffs.

I gulped at the sight of them. Jungkook smirked at my reaction. He sat up and kissed me. He turned me around and started kissing my neck and back. He started to move his hips as he continued to kiss my neck. I started to moan and Jungkook just couldn't get enough of it. He moved me off of him and he got off the bed running over to his dresser and pulling out some lingerie.

"Put this on." His expression was dark.

I got off the bed and walked towards him taking the lingerie out of his hand and going in the bathroom. Once I had the lingerie on I walked out of the bathroom.

Y/n's pov

I walked out of the bathroom to see Jungkook looking at a picture frame, I leaned against the doorframe just watching him. He slowly turned around still looking at the picture, then his head rose up and he noticed my presence. His jaw and the picture dropped, glass scattered everywhere. I ran over and squatted down, picking up the glass pieces. I made a clear path around me and cleaned up all the glass I could reach.

"Y-y/n." Jungkook picked me up off the floor, all the glass in my hand falling back down. Jungkook walked through the path I had made and put me on the bed. He climbed over me and kissed me. He moved down to my neck sucking and kissing my sweet spot. I moaned and Jungkook moved down to my breast, moving the lingerie out of the way and sucking on my nipple.

"J-Jungkook." I moaned his name and he moved back up to my lips, reaching one of his hands down and rubbing my clit. I moved my hips and he broke the kiss and stopped teasing me. I whined as he got off the bed and went to get something. I opened my eyes to see him with the handcuffs and the blindfold. He got back on the bed and kissed me once more before handcuffing my hands in front of me. He smirked and held up the blindfold. He pulled it over my head and gently placed it on my eyes. I felt lost. I didn't know where I was and I felt slightly dizzy.

"I like to call it a surprise game" I heard Jungkook say sweetly.

Jungkook put his hands on my thighs and I jumped. He leaned in and kissed me, I kissed back after getting out of my startled state. He moved one of his hands probably to support himself on the bed. He moved his other hand up and down my thigh. He started to leave butterfly kiss along my jawline and neck. The lingerie must've had snaps on the straps because slid it down my body and off my feet. I heard the top fall somewhere in the room. He once again kissed my breast, I moaned as he kissed down to the top of the panties, gently tugging on the side of them. I brought my hands up and grabbed Jungkook's hair after feeling around, probably looking like an idiot. He pulled my hands off and sat up. After a few seconds of nothingness I felt him once again tugging on the side of my panties. I raised my ass off the bed, giving him permission as he continued to pull them off my legs and probably throw them too.

"You don't know how truley beautiful you are, Y/n." He said seductivley and I could feel his breath on my center.

He licked from my entrance to my clit. Circling around it with his tongue and sucking. I squirmed my hips, feeling my climax. Jungkook stopped, I heard russling and could only assume he had taken his pants off. I felt Jungkook running his two fingers up and down my center. He stopped at my entrance and slowly inserted his two fingers. I arched my back and moaned.

Jungkook v1 {Isolation} (Book 1) Smut Warning!!Where stories live. Discover now