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(I just drunk some of my mom's coffee, IVE NEVER FELT MORE AWAKE IN MY LIFE!!)

~Jungkook's POV~

I couldn't sleep, so I just closed my eyes as I thought about what happened today. I know  even though I'm mad I can't let her stay in the house. She'll have to stay there until they allow her to move into the house. She can survive a few weeks there right? Maybe it'd be best to send her with Taehyung. I opened my eyes and saw Yoongi peeking at me through the corner of his eye. I raised my head a little, to be at eye level with and he looked away.

"What's wrong?" I asked him as I raised one eyebrow in confusion.

He kept his hand over his mouth and shook his head no. "Nothing."

"Doesn't look like that." Under my breath and he snapped his head my direction.

"I said I'm fine." He said through clenched teeth and I jumped a little at his sudden aggressiveness.

"Okay." I said as I raised my hands, surrendering.

Yoongi sighed and laid back in his seat. I was left in silence and Jimin's stare as we flew. I unlocked my phone and plugged in my headphones. I opened my music library and scrolled through the list, deciding a song to listen to. As I tapped on shuffle, not being able to choose a song, a message popped up from...


I felt my phone vibrate in my hand, another message from Y/n.

(I just had a three minute fight with my sister for headphones. -_-)

Jagiya❤🔥: What time do we get back to Korea?

Jagiya❤🔥: Answer me, I can see you read my text.

Me: We still have 10 hours left. Be patient.

Jagiya❤🔥: I can't wait 10 more hours. I want to see my mother.

Me: Are you sure you wanna go back to that hellhole after what happened?

Jagiya❤🔥: Of course. Eomma and Chol are still there. I miss them.

Me: If you go, I can't stay there to protect for the weeks you stay.

Jagiya❤🔥: That's fine Sung-U shouldn't be there, he has a business trip.

Me: If you say so...
Read at, 3:29

I slid my phone back into my pocket and sighed. After few minutes I stole a glance at Y/n she had fallen asleep already. I smiled to myself and closed my eyes too, somehow drifting off to sleep.


After landing in Korea we all got off the plane and waited for our luggage to come around. I grabbed my luggage off the  luggage carousel. I saw Jimin grabbing his and Y/n's bag as she lazily rubbed her tired eyes.

"Jungkook," I heard Yoongi start speaking behind me. "We're taking your car, the airport said it was dropped off an hour ago."

Jungkook v1 {Isolation} (Book 1) Smut Warning!!Where stories live. Discover now