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~Y/n's POV~

Yoongi's lips meant mine and the whole world seemed to stop for a second. Yoongi wrapped one of his arms around my waist, pulling me closer as the other supported him on the counter. I put my arms around his, lacing my fingers through his hair and tugging slightly. Yoongi produced a low moan during the kiss, before slipping his tongue into my mouth. After an intense make out session in the bathroom Yoongi pulled away, a string of our saliva hanging on our lips. Yoongi smashed his lips back into mine before I could even catch my breath. He picked me up off the counter with out breaking the kiss. He placed me on the bed as he hovered over me and deepened the kiss.


I woke up in a pair of strong arms against Yoongi's bare chest, both of us naked in each others embrace with clothes scattered over the room. I laid in his embrace, to comfortable to move. The early morning glow of dawn shone through thin cloth of the curtains, illuminating Yoongi soft features. I tried to move out of his embrace, remembering Chol was also in the house. Once I had managed to sit up Yoongi pulled me back down and back into his embrace that had tightened around me.

"Where are you going?" Yoongi asked without opening his eyes.

"Did we ever find out which room Chol chose?" Yoongi opened one eye to look at me before shaking his head no.

I sighed before once again attempting to get out of bed, but every time I tried Yoongi whined for me not to leave. I sighed before laying back down next to him, placing my hand on his warm chest. I felt his heartbeat quicken under my palm, I looked him in his now widen eyes.

"Last night, did we-" I cut him off as I already knew the question.

"Yep." I answered plainly.

"With the kid in the house?" He asked and I just nodded my head.

"Let's go find his room then." Yoongi said as he uncovered both of us.

I pulled his big fluffy cover back over me as the cold air hit my body.

"You cant stay in bed all day." I closed my eyes tightly as I ignored his words.

"Put these on." I felt the cover go down where Yoongi threw something on it.

I looked over the blanket at the clothes he had thrown at me and then at the shirtless Yoongi with sweatpants on.

"Why do you have lingerie?" I asked as I raised an eyebrow.

"Don't ask questions and just put it on so we can go get your brother." He said as he left the room.

I slowly sat up on the edge of the bed and slipped on the clothes he had gave me, including the lingerie, grey sweatpants, and an over sized hoodie. I put my hair up in a messy bun and walked out of the room, looking for Yoongi or Chol. After looking around Yoongi's big house for a while I found him leaning in a doorway, looking into a room. I looked over to see him watching Chol sleeping.

"Dude, why are you watching my little brother sleep?" Yoongi jumped at my sudden appearance.

"Holy shit, you scared me half to death." Yoongi said with his hand to his heart.

Chol turned in his bed and looked at us, opening his eyes slowly. His petite form looked even smaller in the full size bed. He rolled out of the bed and slowly walked up to Yoongi, wrapping his arms around his legs lazily.

"Thank you." Chol mumbled and Yoongi looked at me with a shocked expression like he didn't know what to do.

I just smiled back at Yoongi as his gazed switched back to the kid hugging his legs, his hand hesitantly went down to the boys head and ruffled his hair. Chol looked up with a smile on his face.

"I'm going to make breakfast." I said as I left the two alone.

I found my way to the kitchen and started making some french toast and eggs for everyone. The smell of fresh breakfast filled the house and soon both of the boys were in the kitchen watching food cook, waiting for it to finish. Yoongi acted like a child and Chol was a child, but I saw no difference. I looked back at the grown man crouching down to Chol's height with puppy eyes. I picked up a piece of scrambled egg from the pan and shoved it in his mouth. My swift motion must've startled him because he lost balance and fell onto his but.

"It's delicious!" He exclaimed, getting up from the floor.

I turned back around to finish cooking until I felt Yoongi's hands wrap around my waist as he leaned closer to my ear.

"But, not as good as you tasted last night." He said in a deep seductive voice that make any one wet in seconds.

I playfully smack him on the arm and he laughed it off as he backed away holding his bare bicep where I had hit him.



A little update to apologize for being off schedule.

Until Next Time...

Until Next Time

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Jungkook v1 {Isolation} (Book 1) Smut Warning!!Where stories live. Discover now