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~Y/n's POV~

I stepped out of the car and saw a familiar figure at and in in the doorway. The figure seemed off balance as he swayed from side to side. He looked at me and I recognized him.


I saw him becoming even more unbalanced. I started running towards him and scraped my knees as I fell to the ground to catch his unconscious body. I held his cold body tightly as I started banging on the glass doors of the hospital. People looked over at the doors and I could see some people waving over nurses, and or doctors. I saw some doctors running over with a stretcher. As they picked him up and rushed him down a hallway, into an emergency room I followed, running right next to Jungkook's limp body. I had to stand in the hallway as the doctors took Jungkook into the room.

I paced back and forth until all the doctors came out. I stopped and looked at the last doctor who closed the door behind him. He stepped closer to me.

"I think we stabilized him. If you choose to go into the room. I suggest you stay quite and don't make sudden movements, he's lacking vision. Although he is sleeping right now, people say they can still sense your presence." The doctor said and started walking away.

I stared at the door, considering whether to go in or not. After about five minutes I had gathered up the courage to go inside. I slowly turned the doorknob and took a deep breath. I walked into the room and closed the door and leaned on it for a second. I admired the sleeping Jungkook for a second before slowly linking away from the door. I quietly made my way toward a seat next to the bed. I studied every feature on his face. I played with his hair like I used to do and painfully smiled to myself as tears unknowingly flew down my cheeks. I grabbed onto his hand and held it tightly in mine. I laid my head on his hand.

"I just wish things could go back to how they used to be." I said as my voice cracked.

"I wish..." I choked on my words and no sound would come out.

"I wish." I swallowed harshly. "I wish that you wouldn't have left."

"I-" I heard a raspy voice start talking. "I do...too."

I looked up at Jungkook and he still seemed to be sleeping. I sighed and laid my head back down.

"I love you." I said before falling asleep.

~Jungkook's POV~

I slowly opened my eyes to see the white tile ceiling of the hospital. I felt warmth on my left hand and slightly turned my head to look at my hand. My eyes softened as I studied her sleepy face.

"I really do." I said softly.

"I wish I wasn't so stupid, as to listen to Jimin." I choked back tears. "And then leave you."

"Listen to Jimin?" I heard her brittle voice, as if she was about to cry.

"W-what do you mean?" her unsteady voice said.

"Jimin." She looked as if she was thinking. "You broke with me so you could be with my brother?!" She snapped her head in my direction.

"What?! Of course not!" I yelled back at her.

"Then what do you mean by listening to Jimin?" She said as she settled back down.

Jungkook v1 {Isolation} (Book 1) Smut Warning!!Where stories live. Discover now