Juho's House

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~Y/n's POV~
Once we got into Juho's house I collapsed on the couch.

I can finally be comfortable.

"Comfy?" Juho said while sitting on the edge of the couch.

"I feel like I'm sinking into this couch." I said as I closed my eyes in comfort.

"Let me remind you, you're a girl... wearing a dress." Juho said as he looked away from me, all though I could see a light shape of pink on his cheeks.

I quickly sat up on the couch and held my hands in my lap.

"Sooo. This is your house?" I asked Juho and internally facepalmed myself.

"No, actually. This is just wear I'm staying while I'm in America." He looked around the house.

"They give you a house to stay in while you're on tour?!" Just how wealthy are these people?

"Well, actually they give us two. Some of the other boys will be here later." He started walking upstairs, flagging me to follow him.

I got up off the couch and followed Juho up the stairs. He turned into a bedroom a he went over to the bed and opened one of my suitcases.

"Put something other than that dress on. You can take a shower first. I'll get you a towel." and with that Juho left the room.

I walked over to the suit case and chose an outfit from the suitcase.

After I took a shower and dried my hair my outfit looked something like this.

I stepped out of the bathroom and I could here Juho talking downstairs

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I stepped out of the bathroom and I could here Juho talking downstairs. I walked down the steps and all the other members were there.

One of them noticed me standing on the steps and his eyes widen before he smirked.

"Zuho brought a girl home. She must be the reason you left practice early." All the other members turned to look in my direction as all their eyes widen, other than the one who continued to smirk.

Juho slapped the man, who had pointed me out, on the back of the head. "She's just a friend, Dawon."

Dawon rubbed the back of his head before replying, "Or you wait until night then she can scream,'Ahh~ Juho~❤'."

Dawon started to run and Juho chased after him. The other boys started walking up the stairs, to their rooms I guess. Suddenly I could hear Dawon scream, not too long after Juho came walking out and smiled at me while you could still here Dawon's practically dying in the background. Juho walked up the stairs and took me with him, leading us back to his bedroom.

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