How much?

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~Y/n's POV~

Someone walked around the corner along with one of Junso's minions. The minion escorted him to a seat next to me and left the dining hall.

"Why, hello there. I'm Parker, but you can call me Sir Lexington." he said as he bowed at a ninty degree angle and I gave him slight bow back.

He sat down in his seat and tried to initiate conversation at the table while we waited on Junso and his minions. I politely answered his questions and talked about random things until Junso walked in the room. The minions both sat on the other side of me and Junso made his way to the seat across from me. He clapped his hands and maids walked out with plates of food. Putting a plate in front of everyone at the table.

Junso carried conversation on with that Parker dude.

"Let's cut to the chase Junso. I don't have all day." Parker said interrupting him.

"Yes, sir." Junso said nodding his head.

"So, how much do you want for the girl?" My eyes widen as Parker spoke.

"Name you price first, Parker." Junso moved on with the topic.

"250." Parker said looking over at me.

"I would've sold her for 10." he mumbled under his breath. "Alright, she's all yours." Junso said taking a wad of cash from Parker.

"Come on, Y/n." He said, his voice sounded calm and he spoke in a kind way.

I slowly stood up and walked with the man. He sounded way more peaceful and nice than Junso when talked to me. At first I hesitated to follow him, but then my feet just started moving. August led me out the door and to his car, letting me in my side before he got in the driver seat. I felt that he would treat me better than Junso. That's why I went with him. I don't want to be here, I rather be at home. In my nice warm bed and cuddled with my big fluffy blanket. As we pulled I was startled by my decisions, but little did I know that what he would say next would make this ride even more unsettling.

~Jungkook's POV~

We pulled up at Junso's house thanks to Yoongi's help. I almost tripped by getting out of the car so fast. I ran up to the door and opened it without hesitation. There were maids in the dining hall cleaning up meals. I ran up the stairs and searched through every room.

"Jungkook!" I heard, I can only assume, Yoongi yell.

I rushed towards where the yell came from. In the middle of the floor laid a bloody and broken guy. Next to the door stood a blood splattered Yoongi.

"Help... Me..." the man on the floor said.

"That's Junso." Yoongi said as he stood next to the door, not moving a muscle.

"What did you do? We didn't need to kill the guy!" I said as I made my self look away from the beaten man to look in Yoongi's direction.

"I didn't kill him!" Yoongi said looking at the blood on his hands. "I-I'm not sure what came over me. I guess its because he sold Y/n."

My eyes widen at his words.

He sold her?

"Wh-who did he sell her to?" I couldn't move but the words slipped out of my mouth.

"Some guy in America."

My heart stopped. I couldn't breath, I couldn't speak. Everything went black.

~Namjoon's POV~

I heard the bickering of Yoongi and Jungkook upstairs. I rushed upstairs and I was almost to the door way when I heard a loud thud. I looked in the room. One bloody man on the floor pleading for his life. One, who I could only assume to be knocked out, Jungkook on the floor. And a bloody Yoongi staring at Jungkook in awe.

"What the hell happened here?!" I said glaring at Yoongi since he's the only one who was physically able to answer.

"Um. Well. I beat up Junso and Jungkook fainted when he found out Y/n was sold soooo. Yeah." Yoongi said wiping his hands on his jeans.

"Okay, now that I have a gra- wait. Y/n was sold?!" I yelled at Yoongi and his eyes swapped between me and the unconscious Jungkook on the ground.

"Well. Yeah. She may or may not be on her way to America right now." Yoongi rubbed the back his neck as the other boys came from behind us.

"Then we got to go." Hoseok said tugging on my shoulder only to see Yoongi's shirt covered in blood.

"Holy shit." Taehyung sighed out.

"Language!" Jin yelled as he hit Taehyung's arm.

"What are we supposed to do?" I looked back at the beaten man laying on the floor.

"Lets drop him off at the hospital, change my shirt and go find Y/n." Yoongi said looking back at the rest of the boys.

"What about Jungkook?" I said pointing to one of the lifeless body on the floor.

"Pick him up and put him in the car." Taehyung said.

"What else would we do?" Hoseok added.

I picked Jungkook up off the floor. "Who's going to get Junso?"

Yoongi looked up at me."You can't make two trips?"

I rolled my eyes and brought Jungkook to the car. I buckled him into the passenger's seat. He ploughed down in the seat as I shut the door and went back into the house.

I was about to pick Junso up off the floor when someone's phone rang. I turned around to see Hoseok digging around in his pockets. He took his phone out and looked at the screen, his eyes widen.

"It's Jimin. He's going to Jungkook's house..." Hoseok turned off his screen.
"Right now."


Sorry, I know its been a while. Blah blah blah, but we reached 2k.
*pops confetti popper*
Thank you and for the 2k special...
Drum roll please...
I want you guys to decide!
Shout out to kookie828 for the choice of the readers.
Please do leave a comment of what you want, I'm open to anything.


Until Next Time...

Until Next Time

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Jungkook v1 {Isolation} (Book 1) Smut Warning!!Where stories live. Discover now