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~Y/n's POV~

After getting out of Jungkook's many questions we all ended sleeping peacefully. Taehyung had also slept in my room, because Namjoon had some girl over. I woke up before either of them did and walked to the bathroom, showered,and did my morning routine.

"Idiot." Jungkook said huskily as he rubbed his eyes in the doorway.

He walked towards me and trapped me between his arms and my face flushed. He leaned past me and unplugged my straightener.

"You'll burn the counter if you leave that on too long." He said as he backed away from me.

"What did you think I was doing?" He smirked as he saw my obviously red face.

I just shrugged my shoulders and left the bathroom hastily. I walked into the room as Taehyung sat up and looked around the room like a lost puppy. I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and Jungkook rest his chin on my shoulder.

"I won't do anything until you spill." He whispered seductively and unwrapped his arms from my waist, before walking away and out of the room.

Taehyung folded up the covers he used and put them back in the closet.

"No lovey dove acts at the airport." Taehyung said before leaving to go back to his room.

We had four hours til we had to go to the airport after making sure I had everything there was time to spare.

~Sung-U's POV~

It's been a while since I was beat up by that rotten kid. Y/n's mother has been good to me, though she had never found out why he beat me up. I found Y/n's phone after she had ran out of the bathroom, after the incident. After her mother had left the room I grabbed her phone and unlocked it, using the kid's birth year. Seven new messages from 'Madison.' I opened the messages, ever since the girl started texting Y/n weeks ago I've been posing as her. I'm not sure who she is or if her name is really Madison, but that's what she told me. I text her back.

=text messages=

-yesterday, 3:24-

Madi: Bye bitch~

-today, 12:04-

Me: I was at the museum with my boyfriend

Me: That guys not really that cute either.

Me: He's just some guy, wearing a lot of makeup.

=end of text=

(I'm sorry Namjoon, you're beautiful and a blessing from the gods.)

I tried to sound as natural as possible, but I wasn't completely sure how Y/n would react to that guy. He looked nothing like me, so he was ugly to me. Madison didn't reply anytime soon, so I continued to go through that 'Jungkoook' guys's feed. That's how I always found out where Y/n was and their relations.

"They're leaving for the airport today, huh?" I said to myself as I continued scrolling.

~Y/n's POV~

Jungkook v1 {Isolation} (Book 1) Smut Warning!!Where stories live. Discover now