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~Jungkook's POV~

After I saw Yoongi run out of my house, towards Y/n's house, I kicked Gyuri out. I couldn't see her face after knowing I fucked everything up. I sat down next to the couch, having a mental breakdown. I cried my eyes out. I'm going to lose her for real. I can't stop it this time, Yoongi saw everything. I can't lie to her, just to hurt her more. I won't let myself hurt her anymore, if she doesn't end it I will. I'll just hurt her more if I don't. I can't do that to her, I love her too much. She deserves better.

~Y/n's POV~

Yoongi and I dropped Chol off at school and went to Jungkook's house. We knocked on the door and Jungkook answered after about a minute later. His expression plain, like nothing had happened. My already broken heart shattered a bit more. He simply turned around, leaving the door open, and sat on one of the couches. Yoongi and I both walked in hesitantly, we sat on the couch across from Jungkook.

"Um, Jungkook...did you cheat on me?" I managed to speak softly, breaking the silence.

"So what if I did?" Jungkook answered back bitterly.

"I-um..." I stuttered, not knowing how to reply.

"Gyuri is better at sex then you are anyways. I don't have to fake a climax with her." Jungkook said,still remaining cold.

"Gyuri?" I asked on the brink of tears.

"Yeah, Gyuri. The girl you can't compare to." Jungkook said and shrugged.

"Rude." Yoongi muttered under his breath.

"You have to speak up, snitch." Jungkook said looking Yoongi in the eye.

"I bet you didn't hesitate to speak loudly when you told on me." Jungkook continued.

"You when I also didn't hesitate to be loud?! When I was fucking Y/n!" Yoongi spat back in anger.

Jungkook seemed a little fazed by this, but tried not to let it show. He looked at me.

"Thats okay, she's just a filthy slut." Jungkook said with disgust in his eyes.

"She'll have sex with you every night, she can't go without it." Jungkook said still giving me a dirty look as tears flowed down my cheeks.

"Take. That. Back." Yoongi said and I looked at him, his fist clenched and knuckles white.

"You can't change facts. She'll drain you of every ounce of cum you have." Jungkook said continuing.

Yoongi stood up and ran across the room, to the other couch. He punched Jungkook in his smug face. The couch flipped onto its back as Jungkook hit his head on the floor, hard. Yoongi kicked him in the stomach a couple of times before running towards me and wrapping his arms around me.

"Come on, we're leaving." Yoongi said as he made me stand up.

"Don't let that jackass get to you." Yoongi said as we left the house and got in his car.

He started the car and let the heat turn on. He rubbed my thigh as he tried comforting me.

"He's just mad he lost someone as perfect as you. We should go home and get some rest. I'll get Chol later, you just worry about resting." He said pulling of the driveway.

Jungkook v1 {Isolation} (Book 1) Smut Warning!!Where stories live. Discover now