Because of me...

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~Y/n's POV~

I didn't know what to do. Jungkook left me there, I felt tears rolling down my cheeks. I hung my head low as I just sat there. I couldn't think straight, my head and heart hurt, I'm still sitting in Jungkook's bed, I lost myself.

~Taehyung's POV~

I knocked on Jungkook's door, but there was no reply. His car was in the drive way though, so I entered his house. The door was unlocked and Jungkook was sitting on the couch. He had his head in his hands and his elbows on his knees. He didn't even look at me, I looked around for Y/n, but I couldn't find her. I walked into Jungkook's house and went upstairs to his bedroom. Y/n sat on his bed with her head hanging low. I sped walked over to her, placing my hands on her shoulders. I saw a single tears fall from behind her hair and hit the sheets. I lifted her head up so she would look me in the eyes. She looked into my eyes and I saw pure pain, before she looked anywhere else in the room to avoid eye contact.

"Y/n please tell me what happened." I grabbed her hands gently.

She flenched slightly before settling down again. She hung her head low again, before telling me the whole story.

"Ah, I see." I nodded my head before noticing she was in tears, I sat next to her on the bed also pulling her into my embrace.

"It's goning to be okay, Y/n." I tried my best to comfort her, but I didn't know how.

I started to sing to her, one of the old lullabies we sung as kids.

"멍멍개야 짖지마라" ("Hey doggie, don't bark") I continued the song and by the end Y/n had stopped crying, I looked down to see her peaceful sleeping face. I carefully got off the bed and picked her up. I walked down the stairs, Jungkook had calmed down too. He looked at me as I came down the stairs.

"H-hyung, what are you doing with
Y/n?" I shushed him quickly so she wouldn't wake up.

"She's staying with me." I walked out of the house and safely put Y/n in the passenger seat, I buckled her seatbelt and shut the door. I went around to the other side and got in, I started my car and pulled off. When we got to my house I took Y/n out of the car and brought her inside. I went upstairs quietly and laid her down in my bed.

She looks so tired.

No one should be home tonight so Y/n can sleep in my sister's room, but as of right now she can rest here. I went downstairs and started to play some video games, hours past and Y/n didn't come downstairs. It was getting late now so I crept upstairs and peaked around the corner of the doorway to my bedroom. Y/n still laid peacefully under the sheets. I walked over to the bed, admiring her sleepy face. Y/n is like a little sister to me and if Jungkook really hurt her that bad, I might have to hurt him too.

"Done starring, Oppa?" She fluttered her tired eyes repetitive as she spoke.

"Uh, hello sleepyhead." I gave her a nervous smile.

She rolled over and sat up on the edge of the bed, her back was facing me.

~Y/n POV~

I sat up on the edge of the bed and looked down at the floor. Jungkook's room has wood flooring, this one has carpet. I looked up and around the room. It's not Jungkook's room.

Jungkook v1 {Isolation} (Book 1) Smut Warning!!Where stories live. Discover now