He did that

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(This part unpublished itself)
~Y/n's POV~

Jungkook looked broken as he grabbed my hand, examining the bruises.

"Jungkook." I grasped his cheeks and held his face in my hands.

"Its fine." I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him into a hug.

"We both made mistakes." I calmly whispered.

"But, my mistake hurt you. Physically. That was the one thing I wanted to protect you from, the reason I brought you here." He unwrapped my arms from around him and held my hands. "But I became that monster."

He looked down at the floor. I waved my hand for everyone to leave the room, because I could tell how awkward Jin and Namjoon were and how mad Taehyung was because I forgave him. Jungkook sat back down on the bed and I sat next to him.

"So, what do we do now?" I knew that question lingered between both of us, but I really didn't want to hear the answer.

Jungkook shrugged. "I really love you, Y/n. A-and I'm scared I'll loose you. But, history is known to repeat itself." He looked up at me. "W-what if our history repeats?"

"We just have to make sure it doesn't." I held one of his hands and looked into his brown eyes.

"B-because, I love you too Jungkook and I don't want to loose you." He smiled happily and hugged me tightly.

I felt like I could stay there forever.

"Now, let's go to sleep." Jungkook said calmly.

I climbed my way onto his lap. "Just, sleep?" I ran my hands down his chest.

"Just sleep." He pulled me off his lap and laid me in bed as he rolled over to lay next to me.

"Maybe tomorrow night." He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

I felt his warm chest on my back as I drifted to sleep.
The next day

I woke up with Jungkook snuugled up next to me. I played with his hair, smiling to myself as I styled in different styles.

I sat up, stepping out of bed and walking towards the bathroom. Until I stepped on something, or someone...

"Oww!" I jumped back and screamed and Jungkook shot straight up in bed.

"Taehyung?!" I settled down.

"What the hell are you doing?" Jungkook said huskily.

"Trying to sleep!" Taehyung yelled back and I couldn't help but laugh to myself.

"Y/n, come." He patted the bed and I crawled back into bed.

"Dude, it sounds like she's you slave." Taehyung said as he laid back down on the pillow he had brought from the couch.

"She's not a slave." Jungkook said as he wrapped his arms back around my waist.

Jungkook drifted back to sleep and I carefully made my way out of the bed.

Jungkook v1 {Isolation} (Book 1) Smut Warning!!Where stories live. Discover now