Hotel Room C142

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(I took down the photo of Max since everyone is apparently 3 years old and can't hold their judgment, grow up)

~Y/n's POV~

I wiped Max's remaining tears off his puffy, red cheeks.

"Let's just go back to the hotel." Max said walking back towards the elevator.

I followed after him and ride to the main floor was completely silent except the basic music playing in the elevator. We silently and awkwardly stepped out after we heard the ding and the doors opened.

The car ride was awkward for the first half, until an old song Max and I used to listen to came on the radio. Max and I sang along with it and laughed and giggled at the end.

We talked about our old memories and retold old stories. Once we reached the hotel the mood had lighten up a bit. Max and I sat in the parked car a little longer.

"Nothing's change between us, except its harder to control myself." Max said, smiling.

"Wow. Now I know your thoughts." I said as I stepped out of the car and ran into the hotel.

I heard Max running after me and of course, soon enough he caught up with me. He picked me up from behind and we laughed as I continuously told him to put me down.

Then it struck me.

"Shit." I said and mentally face palmed myself.

"What is it?" Max asked as he put me down and stopped laughing.

"Tae didnt give me the key to the hotel." I said as I sighed deeply.

"Oh! You can stay with me!" Like the old days!" I laughed at his childish behavior before kindly accepting his offer.

We walked into the room and down the entrance hallway, showing a really nice room.

I glanced over my shoulder slightly and noticed some glasses sitting on the nightstand. In one swift movement I jumped onto the bed and grabbed the glasses. I unfolded them gently and lightly placed them on my face. Max climbed on the bed after me.

"You can't wear those, they make you look too beautiful. I may not be able to control myself." He said as he grabbed my chin gently and softly removed the black framed glasses.

My face flushed and Max smirked. Max slowly closed the space between us.

I can't do this, what about Jungkook?


Then again,

Jungkook broke up with me.


Warning, some kind of smut ahead!

You have been warned!

Max's lips rested softly against mine and soon enough I kissed him back. Max pulled me onto his lap with one hand on my neck and the other dangerously low on my back. I swear if we were any closer or bodies would've melted together. His lips molded perfectly with mine.

Jungkook v1 {Isolation} (Book 1) Smut Warning!!Where stories live. Discover now