Perrie's party

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The game finished quickly with our team beating the other. I changed and ran to my car without a good-bye to the lads or Ariana.

I pulled out of the parking lot and drove straight home.

God that was embarassing, I thought.

I just thought that Ariana wanted a hug because she opened her arms after I scored, but that was just part of her routine. So like the dumbass I am I ran to her and gave a bear hug. Stupid.

As I pulled into the driveway, I got a message from Edward.

Ed: hanging out at Perrie's tonight.

Perrie Edwards. Edward's girlfriend. Pretty. Smart. Fun. Talented. Weird girl, but normal's boring. Zayn fancies Perrie so much he basically dreams about her 24/7. No wonder why Zayn and Ed don't get along. Wouldn't blame him, Ed and I don't get along either.

I ran up to my room and slammed the door. Looks like I'm home alone. Mum and Robin went on some animal care in America for a month or so. I can't believe that they trusted us to be alone in our house. They know Ed and I always fight and Marcel has nothing to do about it because he's so weak and...


Shit, I forgot about him at the bookstore! I ran out of my house and got in my car, inserting the key. I drove down the road, seeing the weather's changing making it rain down hard. I hope Marcel's ok. I feel kinda bad. As I was driving down the road, I see Marcel walking down the sidewalk. I rolled down my window and call out his name. He awkwardly gets in.

"What took you so long?" He buckles up. "Uhhh, long game." I lied. "You forgot about me, didn't you?" "No! No I didn't. It was just a long game, alright?" I said. I just don't feel like talking at the moment.

We got home and Marcel went to the living room to read his new books. "Where's Ed?" Marcel asks, scanning the pile of books. "With Perrie." "Perrie Edwards?" "No, Perry the platypus." I rolled my eyes. "You know, for being the smart one in our family you do ask the dumbest questions." I walked upstairs to my room. I fell to my bed as my phone rang.

"What?" I asked with a tone. "What's uo your ass bro? I didn't say anything." Ed spoke on the other end. "Look, sorry. Bad evening." I moved my hair out of my face. "Any who, wanna come over to Perrie's at 12? Party tonight." "What? Who's coming?" I searched my closet for decent clothes. "Uhhhh your stupid friends, Perrie's friends, my friends, the football team, the cheerleading squad, and alot of other people." Ed said. "Yeah, Count me in. I'll be over soon." "Whoa man, I said 12 not 8." "Well, I don't wanna be with Marcel for the next 4 hours. I'm coming over whether you like it or not." And with that I hung up the phone. I changed into my black skinny jeans and a pink-floyd t-shirt. I clipped on my airplane neckalace and grabbed my phone.

"Where are you going?" Marcel sat striaght from the couch, holding a book that's like half-way done. Damn, he jusr got it and he's almost finished? "Out." I quickly replied. "Out where? Are you leaving me alone?" He set his book down on the couch. "That's none of your buisness first of all, and second yes. That's the point of going out. You're gonna be alone for a little bit, ok?" I took my keys and head out to my car. "But, Harry! Wonder if something happens?" Marcel chases after me. "Look, nothing's gonna fucking happen! And if anything does, just give me a call, ok? Calm down. Keep the doors and windows locked and turn off anything electrical or anything with fire. See ya." I got in the car and drove away. Damn I feel like such a mum right now.

I pulled into Perrie's driveway seeing a few other cars here too. I pressed the doorbell and Perrie let me in. "12 my ass." Was the first thing I said to Edward once I saw him. "It's not that many people. Get off my dick." He scolded. "What dick?" I smirked. "Fuck you." He glared at me and turned to go the kitchen. He was right, there were very little people here. It was only Jesy, and Michael here.

Most of Perrie and Ed's friends always dye their hairs. Michael's hair are always different colors every week. Like tonight, it's purple with a black stripe in the center.

More people came by the minute and Perrie's house was getting packed. But her house was huge. Both he parents work in the music buisness so of couse they're gonna make some money. She was so rich she could buy the whole school everything they could want basically. And she's a singer herself, so music runs in her blood.

Edward was with his stupis friends getting drunk in the kitchen. His eyes were getting red and he was laughing at nothing. Perrie was next to him, on her phone as always. The lads finally came. Now the party's begun.

"Who's this?" I asked Liam who was holding a curl haired girl's hand. "Harry, this is Danielle Peazer. Newest student to our school, also a great dancer." He smiled. "Nice to meet you, Danielle." I shook her hand. Liam and her eventually went elsewhere leaving me with Niall and Zayn. Lou and El also wandered off probably snogging off or something.

"Single life." Niall said as he took another shot of Vodka. "Well I wouldn't be single if Edward hadn't taken Perrie." Zayn grumbled. "Ah don't worry, mate." Niall burped. "She'll come around." Ok, Niall's just getting drunk and Zayn's sitting around being grumpy at a party. "Well, you two are obviously boring tonight, so I'm gonna go outside for some fresh air." I left those two and walked out to Perrie's big backyard. It had a fountain and a huge ass rose garden.

I took a little walk around the garden and I bumped into someone. "Sorry." She muttered as I helped her up. "Oh, it's you." She said. "Ariana. Uh, hi." I scratched the back of my neck. "I'm uh-sorry for what happened tonight." I awkwardly said. "It's alright. You didn't mean to, I guess." She took a sip of her drink. I nodded my head and stared at the ground. Great. I get the chance to actually talk to Ariana and I have nothing to say to her. "I'm gonna head back inside." She pointed and walked away, leaving me in the rose garden all by myself.

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