The call

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Marcel and I came home to a drunk Edward and Ashton. "What the fuck happened?" I ask the two wasted boys. "We drank Rob's beer." Edward slurred. "You know we can't drink that! You're buying more tomarrow asshole!" I threw a pillow at his face, making him spill the drink. "Fuck you!" He flips me off. I walked up to my room, tossing my duffel bag on my bed. I pull out the paper with Ariana's number and quickly dial it. After a few rings, she picks up.

"Hello?" She asks. "Hiiiiiiii." I say through my line. "Harry or Ed?" "Harry." "Oh, hey!" She says. There was a long pause. Too long. "So, what's up?" She awkwardly asks. "Uh good. You?" "Fine." C'mon Styles, pick up your game! Just say it. "So, Ari. You wanna like... Go out or s-somthing?" I stuttered. Smooth Harry. Just smooth. "Well..." Ariana began. "It's just, um." She searched for words. "Its just your two brothers are trouble and I just think you're just like them too. I mean you seem really nice and chill, but I just want to protect my heart." Ariana said. I'm nothing like my brothers! And Marcel? He's never been a trouble maker if it includes school or not. "I understand. I mean, Ed's trouble, but Marcel? Trouble?" I chuckle. "Oh, yeah." She silently laughs. "But you can get to know me." I try to change the subject a little. "I don't know..." She says. "Oh, c'mon! You. Me. Park this Saturday. We can talk and stuff. It can't be that bad." I really hoped she would say yes. I really wanted to get her. "Uhhh.. Sure." She finally agrees. "YES!" I yelled. "I mean- uh, cool, cool." She laughs and says," Bye Harry." She hangs up, leaving me as happy as a kid in the candy shop. I walk out of my room, making little dances towards the fridge. "Why so happy loser?" Edward comes downstairs along with Marcel. "I got a date with Ariana." I smirked. "Hello? Thanks to me." Edwards points out. "Yeah, yeah. Thanks." I pull out a carton of orange juice. "Wait, Ariana Grande?" Marcel suddenly asks. "Yeah, who else?" I pour the juice in a cup. "Oh." Was all marcel could say. "You got a problem?" I ask him. "No! No! I was just wondering. Please don't hurt me!" He covers up his face. "I wasn't gonna hit you, mate." I said in confusion. "Excuse me." Marcel ran up to his room, making his combed hair become messy. "What the fuck's his problem?" Edward asked. "Who the hell even knows." I shrug. "Where's Ashton?" I scan the house. "Taking a nap in my room. He drank too much and knocked out." Edward said. "You're gonna buy more beers so Robin wouldn't catch us, right?" I glared at him. "Yeah, I got it, Mum. "Don't call me Mum." I scolded him and went off to my room, thinking about spending the entire Saturday with Ariana.

Saturday finally came and I was putting on my favorite jeans and pink-floyd t-shirt. I came downstairs to see Edward on the couch sleeping after a party at Calum's. "Wake up, douche." I slapped his dry face. "What?" He shot up. "I'm leaving." I said. "Where?" "None of your damn buisness." I grabbed my keys. "Wait, you're leaving me alone with the nerd?!" Edward got up and ran after me. "Marcel isn't that bad." I tried lying. "You know he's the biggest nerd! Even Mum and Rob know it!" Edward said. "Just try to be nice." I got in my car. "No promises asshole." Edward turned around and flipped me off.

Sorry it's a short chapter! But looks like the Hariana plane is just taking off haha. But appearently Larry comes out the next day. I don't care anymore. If they come out congrats boys. Love it love <3 i'm an elounor shipper that loves larry and larry shippers. I ship alot of stuff haha. But anywho... Have a good day(: more chapters to come!

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