Would you wanna run away too?

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I quietly walk to the side of Ariana's house, carefully not to step on anything.

I stand right under her window, figuring out how to get her to open the window. I shouldn't have left my phone at home.

I got it!

I grabbed a few pebbles off the grass and start throwing them at her window.

"Ariana." I yell-whisper. I threw some more pebbles, calling her name.

She finally opened the window, looking down at me with smeared makeup. She smiled once she saw me standing there.

"Harry." She whispered. "Ariana! Let down your hair!" I called up to her. "I'm afraid we have a bit of a problem there." She began laughing.

"Oh i know. You can go get that ladder to your left and climb up." She pointed over.

I carried the ladded and placed it right where her window is and began climbing. I took a peek down and damn it's high. I made it to her room without getting a heart attack because heights aren't really my thing.

"I'm sorry for tonight." Ariana put her arms around my shoulders. "No it's ok. As long as we have eachother, everything's gonna be fine." I wiped her eyes. "Besides. I have something in mind." I grin. "What might it be?" She turned giddy. "All I can say is that we'll be happy." I bite my bottom lip. "Seriously? What is it?" She pouts. "Nope." I close my eyes, not wanting to tell her anything yet.

"Okay, okay." I give in. "We're gonna run away. Just you and me." I hold her hands. "Run away?" She repeats. "Yeah. Isn't it a great idea?" "I don't know, Harry. What if I get in trouble? What if my family gets too worried and they get the police involved? I don't want to be kept from seeing you ever again." Ariana continues with the cons.

"Ari bear." I look into her eyes. "We're not gonna get caught. I promise." I hold her to my chest. "But wonder if we do?" "We won't. We're just gonna escape for the night. Maybe two or three." I mutter the last part. "Okay." She says, having an unsure tone.

"I'm doing this for us. You and I. Nothing can come between us. Not Frankie. Not even the gods above us. No one." I hold her even closer.

I help her down the ladder, trying not to freak out. I close the window, putting the ladder back to where it was.

I meet Ariana in the driveway, holding her hand.

"Where are we running to?" She says after a moment of silence. "You'll just have to wait."

She begins to shiver a little. The weather tonight is a little chilly.

I take off my sweater and hand it to her. "No, it's ok." She pushes it away. "I don't want you to get a cold." I wrap it around her. "I never knew you were this much of a romantic." She smiles. "I never knew either."

We finally made it to the place I had in mind. It still looks the same, perfect.

"What is this place?" She asks. I simply shrug and walk further into the area. "I ran away from home and I stumbled upon this place. I'm just glad I remember the way here." I chuckle.

"Well it's beautiful." She smiles. "The question is. Where do we sleep?" She asks. "We can look around." I suggest.

She agrees, linking our arms together, walking around the lake-ish area until we found an empty cabin.

It had one small bed, fireplace, desk, and a bookshelf.

Ariana begins exploring the place, looking at books and looking out the window. "Such a cute place." She smiled.

I, too, started looking around. She was right. It was an adorable place.

I lit the fireplace, warming up the cabin. "Ah shit!" I flung my hand back, feeling the burn in my finger. "Harry!" Ariana runs over to me. "Be careful, idiot." She kisses my finger. "Better?" She giggles. "Yeah." I lay her on the floor and give her little kisses from her face to her neck. "Stop." She laughs, pushing me off of her. I give her a quick kiss before helping her back up.

"Hey, wanna write songs?" She asks, holding a bunch of paper and pens. "Where'd you get those?" I ask. "From the desk." "Yeah. I'd love to." I take a paper from her hand and sit on the bed, thinking of good lyrics.

"How about this?" She holds the paper and begins to read off her progress.

"You don't need alot of money. Honey you don't have to play no games. All I need is all your loving. To get the blood rushing through my veins. I wanna say we're going steady. Like it's 1954. No it doesn't have to be forever. Just as long as." She stops, indicating that that's all she got so far. "It's lovely." I smile. "I wanna hear yours." She puts her pen down, sitting cross-legged. "I was just messing around. It's not good." I say. "When is music not good? Finished or not, I wanna hear." She gives me a cute smile. I clear my throat and begin to read off my song.

"I figured it out. I figured it out from black and white. Seconds and hours. Maybe they had to take some time. I know how it goes. I know how it goes from wrong and right. Silence and sound. Did they ever hold eachother tight like us? Did they ever fight like us? You and I." I awkwardly smile, knowing this song wasn't great. "I love it." She hold my hands. "Lying's not nice." I chuckle, pressing our foreheads against eachother. "I'm not lying. I honestly love it." She giggles, giving me a quick kiss. She disconnects our hands and gets off the bed, making a few sheets of paper fall off the bed. "You're not going anywhere." I pull her back down, giving her more kisses.

Sorry for the long wait! But i have some questions for you guys. I really want you guys to answer them!

1) how would you feel if i put gemma in the story. I know, i know. It's kinda late, but who cares?

2) hiw would you guys feel if there's ONE hariana sex scence in the next chapter? I know some of you guys might feel uncomfortable about something like that, and i want your honest opinions!

Thanks! Ily all mwah mwah :)

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