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When I get home, Marcel went straight up to his room, and Edward's still in detention. Might as well call Ariana to come over at least.

After a few rings, she picks up. "Hello?" "Hey love, wanna come over?" I smile at the sound of her voice. "Sure. Right now?" "Yeah." I smile. "Ok, give me a few minutes and I'll be over." She answers. I hang up, just as Marcel comes downstairs.

"Who's coming over?" He asks. "Ariana." I say. "Wait! No! I mean-" He stops and heavily sighs. "What?" I step closer to him. "Nothing." He mumbles. "You hesitated." I raised my voice a little. "No, stop worrying about it." He backs up. "Is there somthing wrong with her? Just tell me Marcel!" I yell at him. He looks so innocent, but deep down inside, he's hiding something. Of course. He's a Styles to begin with. We all got something up our sleeves. "Just stop it!" He yells back. "Just tell me what's wrong!" I grip his shoulders, looking into his eyes. "No." He quiets his voice. "Just tell me. I could at least help you with what's wrong. Is it Ariana? Is she bothering you?" I question. "No, you're the one bothering me." He sternly speaks. "What?" I was kinda taken back. "You." He repeats. "What did I do?" I spat. "Everything! Just everything!" He throws his arms up. "I still don't understand, Marcel." "You just don't get it." He sarcastically laughs. "Is it because I'm dating Ariana?" I suggest. "You're dating her?!" He jumps. "What now? I thought you knew! Alot of people know." I face him. He takes deep breaths and straightens up. "Excuse me." He marches upstairs, leaving me hanging. "The fuck is his problem?" I run my hands through my sweaty hair. I go outside for some fresh air, seeing Ariana come by the block. "Hey, darling." I kiss her head. "You alright?" She looks deeply into my eyes. "Yeah, I just had an arguement with Marcel." I look down. "Marcel? Is he ok?" She was quick to respond. "Yeah." I furrow my eyebrows. "He just stormed up to his room."

I sit down on the porch's swinging chair, swaying the thing back and forth. Ari cuddles next to me, clinging her legs to her chest.

"You know. I have a pretty fucked up family." I say. "Don't say that." Ariana laughs a little. "It's true." My smile slowly fades. "How?" She looks up at me. "To begin this, Edward's such a dick to everyone. He think's he's so superior just because he's got tattoos up to his back and shit. The only thing he knows is to get high and drink up. It's embaressing to call him my brother. Then there's Marcel. I try to be nice to him just because he's the nerdy third. He's annoying, but smart. He's got a little sass inside of him too. It's like a damn Louis is living in his brian. And my parents? God only knows where they're at right now. They're never home and when they are, it's kinda work, work, work." I rant on. It's good to let it out. And the best part? Ariana listens throughout the whole thing, she understands me. "And you." I smile. "You're the only reason why my life isn't 100% fucked up." I gently kiss the top of her head.

She stares off into the distance, smiling at the sunset.

Edward eventually came home, and Ariana left.

"Best detention ever." He smirks. "Did you use them all?" I ask. "Yeah, kinda." "What do you mean kinda?" "Yeah, used it all." He shoved his hands in his pockets. "Damn boy." I laugh.

"I wanna smoke some." He jogs upstairs. "Hey wait for me! I wanna too." I chase after him. We entered my room, searching for the pack of cigarettes. "Where'd you put them?" Edward looks everywhere. "I put it in my drawer! Swear to god." I throw my pillow and clothes everywhere. "Looks like they're gone." Ed throws his arms up. "Did you take them?" I shove him. "No!" He shoves me back. "Don't shove me!" I kick his legs. "You butthurt?" He mocks me. "Fuck you." I glare at him. "Perrie took it, didn't she?" "Why would she do that?" Ed defends. "I don't know. Oh! Maybe it's because she always comes over. She must've taken them." I bring in the sass. "Maybe Ariana took it." Ed crosses his arms. "She wouldn't take them. She doesn't smoke." It was my turn to defend my girlfriend. "Then who took them?" "I don't even fucking know." I sigh. "Let's ask the nerdy third, maybe he knows." Ed suggest.

I nod and we both opened the door to Marcel's room.

"Marcel!" I yell, running over to him helping him off the ground. He was coughing, and the room smelled of cigs. "What the hell?" Edward kneels down next to me. Marcel coughs even more, and used cigarettes are all on the floor. "Marcel, what happened?" Edward asks. "Can't you see he's coughing to death?! He can't answer at the moment, you dumbass!" I yell. "Open the windows to let the smell out." I order. Ed gets up and unlatches the windows and fan away the stench.

Marcel eventually stopped coughing, and the smell was beginning to go away. "Marcel, please explain this." I ask. "I-I was tr-trying to smoke some o-of your cigarettes, but it di-din't turn out as planned." He stuttered. He held out his hand and there was a massive burn scar on his hand. "Marcel! You idiot!" Edward yelled. "Don't yell at him!" I shove Ed. "Get water! Ice! I don't care, get anything for his hand!" I order again. I heavily sigh and take a look at marcel's hand. It was burning red, and his skin was burned away.

"Why'd you do this?" "After you yelled at me, I got so upset that I rummaged through your room and stole your pack." He was on the verge of crying. "Me?" I ask. He nodded and his hand was looking worse. I opened my mouth to speak, but Edward came back with towels and water. "Here." He shoved the items to my face. "Gee, thanks." I glare at him. "Whatever." He shrugs.

I dip the towel in the water and wrapped it around Marcel's burning flesh. "So, why'd you begin to smoke?" Edward turns to Marcel. I turn right to Marcel, eyeing him not to tell Ed that I was the reason why he smoked half of the package and caused him injury. I mouth please and he got my idea. He turned to Ed, then to me, then back at Ed. "Uhhh.." He stammered. "I just wanted to try something new." He horribly lied. "Ok." Edward, like the guillible person he is, actually believed Marcel. "But you're buying us new cigarettes!" Edward glared at him and he nodded, sinking his head down. Ed walked away, leaving me and Marcel.

"Don't do that again." I warn him. "Why?" He dumbly asks. "Ok, you almost killed yourself. This room smells like Vegas, and smoking's bad." I begin to clean up his room. "You and Edward smoke." He points out. "It's different. We're just... Just stronger." I say, unsure of that answer. "And I'm not?" He looks a little hurt. "No, I didn't mean it that way!" I swallow, making a lump in my throat. "I think you knew exactly what you meant." He looks so upset. "I should go." I purse my lips. "Yeah, you should." He says.

I close the door, just staring at the doorknob. What's even going on right now? What's up with Marcel lately? I'm the reason why he was smoking. Why he got hurt. I'm so confused and hurt all at once, words in my head, I don't know what to do. "Dammit!" I run downstairs, taking my phone and running outside. I kept on running and running. It was getting dark and I was crying a little bit.

I wiped away the little tears and looked around. This area doesn't look familiar at all. I couldn't have ran away that far, have I? The real question is, where am I?

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