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In the morning, Ariana wanted to go home before she got caught. My plan was to have us stay for a few more days, but I couldn't force her to it, so I just took her home.

I thought we would get back without getting into trouble, but I thought wrong. Frankie was sitting on the porch with a serious face. "Do you know how worried Mum and I were, Ariana? It's bad enough that you sneak out, but with Harry?"

"I can do what I please. I'm not a 5 year old." Ariana shoots back.

"You sure act like one sometimes."

"Like you're any better? You act like a bratty teenager bossing me around like I'm some kind of slave! Oh, do this! Do that! I'm sick of you." She lashes out, leaving him a little hurt by her criticism. "I want to date this boy! No that one! You don't see me complaining about your love life!" She continues. I grip on her shoulder,"Stop." I say. "It was my fault. I took her away with me. It's all fault. I'm sorry." I try to make contact with Frankie.

"Go to your room, Ariana." Frankie says, crossing his arms. "But-" "Just go!" He shouts, making her jump and run into the house.

I watch as she slams the door, turning all my attention to Frankie again. "And you. Get your grubby hands away from my sister. I don't want you to see her again, or talk to her. Hell, don't even think about her!" He says.

That's it. I've had enough of his shit. He can't tell me what to do. "Make me." I smirk.

He raises his hand to throw a punch at my face, but I roughly grip his wrist, looking him dead in the eyes. "I wouldn't do that if I were you. I grew up with Edward. And he's violent."

I eventually let go of his hand. "I'm gonna be the better person and leave this. You should probably go now." He rubs his wrist, the area I gripped.

"Whatever." I casually flip him off and leave the yard.
Marcel's POV

I sit at the kitchen table drinking my daily tea, watching Michael and Edward play COD as Perrie is on her phone. They're screaming profanities, and violently hitting the buttons like mad.

I'm still thinking about Harry, worried out of my mind. What if he got killed? Wait, no. Marcel, don't think such things.

Maybe he slept with someone and cheated on Ariana? No, Harry would never do that! I mean.. Would he? No!

I lightly shake my head, taking a sip from my tea. I see that Michael has won the game and Edward's getting mad, tackling him to the ground. Perrie gets up from the couch and breaks the fight up. "Calm down!" She rips Edward off of Michael before it gets too far. Edward just wipes his shirt and huffed a "whatever".

The front door slowly opens, revealing a tired looking Harry.

Wait, Harry! Harry's home! And not dead!

"Harry!" I blurt out, sounding like a child. "Hey." He utters to everyone, heading upstairs as I follow along. Michael, Ed, and Perrie just wave and continue to what they were doing before.

"So, where have you been? I thought you died!" I follow him closely. "Can you give me some space?" He snaps, making me take a huge step back. It falls silent, the only noise is the air conditioner and the video game noise along with the screaming coming from downstairs.

"I was.. Out." Harry hesitated. "Out where?" I continue to push on with the questions. "Why does this even concern you?" He asks in a rude tone. "I don't know. I was just worried, I guess." I mumble. "Oh now you suddenly care about my life." He rolls his eyes.

"I've always cared! You just don't see it." I utter. "All those times where you had good news, I was the one to listen. You always complain how no one in this house cares about you and that you're the forgotten child, but look at me! I'm more of the forgotten child than you ever will be. Mum and Dad loves you and and Edward more! Edward comes home with a D- on his report card and Dad takes him out to dinner! I get full on straight A's and all I get is a good job and a pat on the back. So the next time you say that I don't care, just compare that to my life." I frown, disappointed that he doesn't know how lucky his life is going. He's the captain of the football team, he's popular, he's charming, and everyone favors him. And he's dating Ariana freaking Grande!

"I'll be in my room." He mutters, slamming the door.

"You fucked up, Marcel!" I hear Edward yell. I just storm off into my room, screaming at the top of my lungs. Wow that kinda hurts. I've never really screamed in a raging way.

I hate Harry. I kick my trashcan over, a few paper balls falling out.

Well, maybe I don't hate Harry. I'm just jealous of him.

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