The reason

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The rest of the day, Ariana hasn't spoken to me. She sat with Luke the whole day, giving me little innocent glances.

"What's wrong, mate?" Niall asked. "You've been sad all day." "Nothing Ni. Don't worry." I fake smile. He just sadly nods and goes back to eating his lunch. "You sure?" Liam looks at me. "I'm sure." I frustratedly speak. Liam looked taken back, making me feel bad that I yelled at him. "I'm sorry, I just had a bad morning." I mutter.

I skipped football practice, taking Marcel and Edward straight home. "You never skip practice. What's up?" Edward asks. "Like you care." I answer. "I was just asking." He shrugs. "I'm tired, okay?" I stop at a red light.

We finally get home, not talking to eachother. Ed went outside to smoke, and Marcel and I haven't spoken much after all the fights we recently had.

Ariana calls me a few times and texts me every five minutes. She left me a few voicemails and I delete everything she sends me. I shut off my phone, not wanting to hear from her for a while now. I'm done with her.

I lay down on my bed, my hands on my face. "This is fucked up." I tug on my curls.
Edward's POV

I let out a puff of smoke, clutching the cigarette inbetween my fingers. My phone begins to ring out Perrie's hot voice.

Call from: Ariana

"Hello?" I play with the cigarette in my hand. "Ed?" Ariana says with a worried tone. "What?" "Is Harry home?" "Yeah." "Can I talk to him?" She begs. "Why?" I chuckle. "He's been ignoring me all day! I just want to know if he's ok." She sounds like she's about to cry. "But you don't even like him." I say. "I didn't at first... But. I don't know." She sighs. "You're dating Luke anyways." I point out. "I broke up with him today." She says. "Can you at least ask Harry why he's mad at me? Please?" She begs on. "Fine." I huff and hang up. The things I do for that girl.
Harry's POV

"Asshole!" I hear Edward call from the otherside of the door. "Douche!" He continues. "You bastard!" "Open the door you dick!" He yells. I drag my feet towards the door and unlock it.

Ed swings open the door as I fall back on my bed. "Why're being ignorant to Ariana?" Was the first damn thing he says. "why do you care?" I mumble. "Just wondering." He kicked my feet. "That hurt, you idiot!" I yelled at him. "I don't give a damn." He smirks. "Screw off." I kick his sides.

He shoots me a hard glare,"Just tell me why're you're not talking to her." He scans around my room. "I'm not mad at her." I lie. "Right.." He slowly says.

He looked around my room again, finally turning back to me, giving me a devious grin. "What now?" I sigh.

He picks up my signed soccor ball from David Beckham. He gave it a small squeeze, not enough to pop the it, but I know where he's going with this. "Put that down. Now." I demand. "Make me." He mocks. "Put. It. Down." I slowly walk to him. "No." He smirks. "You're really gonna break something special to me just because of a stupid question on a girl's feelings?" I ask. He just thought about it,"Yeah." He grins. "If I tell you what's up, will you set that down?" I swallow hard. "Fine." He says. "I am mad at her. And because I am, is because she kissed Luke." I quickly explain. "That's it?" Edward continues to hold the ball. "Yeah, now give me the ball." I motion my hand. "Hmmmm.. No." He laughs, walking away. "Give it!" I tackle him to the ground."I hate you." He mumbles, rubbing his back. "Hate you too." I grab the ball out of his hands and shut the door in his face.

The next day, I decided to skip school. I just don't wanna be around Ariana today. I drop off Marcel and Edward overslept, so it's his fault for not waking up on time.

"Bye, Harry." Marcel shuts the door and walks to the deep halls.

I drive away, planning to get another tattoo.

What should I get today?

"Harry!" Mark greets me, setting his coffee down. "Morning." I fix up my messy hair. "No school today?" He gets his tools. "Uh.. Yeah." I bite my lip. "Skipped today?" He chuckles. "Yup." I laugh at how he figured it out.

"What'll it be today?" He put on his gloves.

"It'd be really cool to get two birds just above my chest. Like facing eachother. One shorter than the other. You know?" I try my best to explain the soon-to-be tattoo.

"Yeah, sound good." Mark nods.

After a few hours, mark finished up. "Done." He smiles at my fresh tattoo. "Thank you!" I admire the beautiful birds on my skin. "No problem." He cleans things up. I pay for the tattoo and made my journey to my car.

I bump into somone, whilst walking and she fell.

"I'm so sorry, ma-" I stop talking, relizing it was Ariana. "Oh."

"Harry." She smiles, but I don't return the smile. "What're you doing here?" She tries to change the subject. "Got a tattoo." I blankly say. "Cool." She nods. "Can I see it?" She looks at me with innocent eyes. But unfortunetly, it doesn't work on me. "No." I say. She bites her soft lips and looks down. I just want to kiss her, but I can't. She swipes her hair back, and continues to look down. "I should go." I say, but she stops me. "Can you please stay?" She begs. "I-I, don't think.." I mutter. "Please?" She continues to beg. "It'll be a quick tattoo!" She says. "Ok, fine, I guess." I pinch the tip of my nose and follow her back to the tattoo parlor. "Hey, Ariana! Long time, no see." Mark gives her a small hug. "And.. Harry?" A confused Mark asks. "I'm hanging out with her." I point to Ariana, who was sitting down in the same spot I was in.

After a long time, Ariana's tattoo was finally done. "Like it?" Mark hands her a mirror. "I love it." She gushes. "Harry, is it good?" Ariana turns to me. She holds her brown hair back and shows me her neck tattoo. It read,"mille tendresse"

"What does that mean?" I take another look. "It means, a thousand tenderness." He thanks Mark and pays for her new ink.

"Thanks for staying." She smiles. "Whatever." I mutter and head to my car. "Where's your car?" I ask. "I walked here. I ditched school." she says. "Do you wanna have me drive you?" I ask, hoping she says no. "Sure." She smiles. She walks to the passenger seat, still having a smile on her flawless face.

I sit in the car in silence, not turning on the engine. So many things are running through my head again. "Ariana.." I say. Wait, what am I doing? "I." I begin. "You?" She puts her hand on my shoulder, which is not really helping me at all.

Then, I lost it.

I crashed our lips together, happy to feel her soft lips on my rough ones. She was shocked, but kissed back, clutching my messy curls. I smile through the kiss, but relize she cheated on me.

I turn away, starting the engine. "I'm sorry." I say. "Sorry." I continue. "Sorry for what?" She asks. "The kiss. I shouldn't have done that." I drive off, trying not to cry at all. "Harry." She looks at me, but I cut her off.

"You know what? I shouldn't have dated you in the first place."

Woah. Woah. Woah. Back this up 27738182882 steps. I think it's getting a little dramatic, yeah? No? Ok.

Haha thanks for 9.3k on forget all we said!

And 1k on little things!

I could never thank you all enough! I love you to death, everyone one of you!!!

Mwah mwahhhhh

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