Drunk in love

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The door opens to reveal a petite women standing there. "May I help you?" She asks.

"Uh, yes. I'm looking for Ariana? Is she here?" I ask, examining the lady. She had black hair, and wore a pretty thick coat.

"Oh, I'm sorry, love. Ariana's out with her friends tonight. Would you like me to tell her you stopped by?" The lady suggest.

"No, it's alright. Thanks anyways." I wave off.

The lady nods her head and begins to close to door. Before it shuts, she re-opens it and says,"Oh! I'm Ariana's mother, just to let you know."

I smile and turn back around, leaving her property.

I guess tonight's not the night to tell her. Well, at least it'll give me some time to think about what I have to say.

I meet the boys at the bar, suspecting they got a few shots before I came.

"Hey, Hi, hello, hazzy." Zayn slurred. "Glad ya could make it." He sheepishly smiled.

"Yeah, whatever." I shrugged, shoving my hands in my pockets.

"Have a drink." Louis hands me a shot.

I shake my head, not really in the mood.

"Oh, c'mon mate! Just one." He hands it over to me once again. I sigh in defeat, taking the small glass from his hands and drink down the alcohol.

"Happy?" I place the cup on the table. "As ever." He chuckles.

I can see that Edward is full on wasted, with his stupid friends. I could see Michael's hair from a mile away. His hair's a bright green, it almost hurts my eyes.

I look over, seeing Ash and Cal on their phones, not really enjoying the night out.

And the last one... luke. I saw him sitting on the chair talking up to some girl.

The girl turns around for a second and we meet eyes. It's Ariana. Ariana's here with him.

I'm sowwy for the shortest chapter ever :c

but i wanted to update annnnnd tell you that 'scared' is now available to read! So check out my profile and it should be there! If not, please message me asap :) hope you like it!

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