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I barely survived the rest of the day. I was overjoyed to run laps for football practice. Never in my life have I been happy to run. Coach sent us to take a quick water break. Marcel was doing his homework and Ed was just sitting on the bleachers playing on his phone. "Harry, I hate watching you practice. It's boring and you're horrible anyways, so give it up." Edward insulted me. It didn't even bother me, I was used to it. "Well let me see you try to kick up some soccor balls. Let's see who's better." I smirked.

"Boys! Back on the field now!" Coach yelled. We all ran to the field, making a circle around him. "Ok, we're gonna do the usual drill. Kick the available soccor balls to the goal. If you miss, i want 30 push-ups. I want two lines today!" He yelled.

Louis was the first to go. He kicked it right in the goal. "Yes!" He cheered. A few players missed and had to to push-ups. Zayn missed all his turns and Coach brought him over to talk. I just kicked the ball perfectly into the goal and overheard their conversation.

"Malik, what's up with you? Your game's been dropping." Coach said. "Ah, sorry, Coach. Busy with homework and all." Zayn lied through his teeth. Zayn doesn't do his homework! He's straight up lying. "Well, ok. Education does count. But keep your head in the game!" He patted Zayn's back.

He sighed and went back in line.

Practice ended early because Coach Tony's wife had something to do.

I was driving down the street to our house as Ed spoke up. "So are you gonna help me with whatever I have in mind?" "What the hell are you talking about?" I pulled into the driveway. "You know, what I told you this afternoon! Before you pushed me." He said. "We can talk about this later." I sighed and he slumped back in his seat. "Where's Marcel?" I asked. "Why do you care?" Ed said. "I'm right here." Marcel said in almost disbelief. "Oh, sorry. You were so quiet, I thought you weren't here." He mumbled an "oh" and walked to the porch, waiting for me to unlock the door. I put the keyhole in and Marcel ran up to his room.

Ed walked into the kitchen and pulled out two beers. He tossed one to me. "Dude, these are Robin's. We can't have it." I said. "Who the fuck cares? He's in American with mum. And besides, he has so much I don't think he'll notice." Edward popped off the cap and began drinking it up. I guess it couldn't hurt...

I popped off the cap and took a few gulps of the beer. "That's my brother." Ed burped. "So, what do you want?" I leaned against the wall. "Perrie and i seem to be in a on and off stage at the moment. Your friend, Zayn is just one more step to asking her out and I won't accept that shit. So i just need you to keep him away from her so I can get her back." He threw the empty bottle away. "Dude, no way. Zayn's my best mate." I took the last sips of the beer. "I'm your brother!" He exclaimed. He did have a point there. "Please! I'll do anything you want." He was practically begging me now. I've never seen him beg before. It's either you don't agree or you're getting slammed. Guess he really is desperate for Perrie. "Fine." I finally agreed. "Thank you." He was about to turn to leave. "But!" I called. "But?" He asked. "You gotta do something for me." I smiled. I'm loving where this is going. "What?" He shoved his hands in his pockets. "You know how Ariana and Luke are like, best friends and shit?" I said. Edward nodded and motioned for me to continue. "Well, since you hang out with her alot because of Luke, I want you to drop little hints about me. The good ones though." I explained. "Ok, but why?" Edward asked without a clue. "I like Ariana. She's hot, smart, and fun. And she's also immature. I think immature girls are the best." I smirked.

*that is a true harry fact by the way*

"Why don't you just striaght up tell her, hey I like you. We should date. Than have me waste my breath. You are the ladies man at school. " Edward scrunged up his nose. "She doesn't seem interested in me! She thinks I'm like you just because we look alike." "She does hate my additude.." Edward said. "Exactly!" I pointed out. "Just do it. I'm keeping Zayn away from Pez and you're telling good stuff about me to Ariana. Deal?" I put my hand out. "Deal. And by the way, I don't shake hands. And no one gets to call her Pez exept for me." He walked away.

The next day of school, we did the usuals. Niall and I got sent to the office to do the rest of our daily writing. "You boys are such trouble." Principle Veronica chuckled as she walked by. I liked her, she's nice and really gorgeous. She's really young to be a principle too. But she kinda looks like Zayn for some reason. "Alright, you two can go back. Don't cause anymore trouble. Got it?" She said. Niall and I nodded our heads and she shooed us off.

As we were walking down the hall, Edward was walking towards the office. "What'd you do this time?" I asked him. "I poured this sciencey liquid I made all over Alex." Ed smirked. "Alex the Asshole?" Niall asked. "Yeah." "Nice, Eddy! He fucking deserved it." I high-fived him. "Edward Styles." Principle Veronica sternly said. "Gotta go." He said and walked over to the office.

During lunch, we all sat in the same spots, same place. There's two sides in the cafateria. One side has little stairs that lead to us. The other side is for the other people. The football players, cheerleaders, anyone cool or popular sits on the place where it leads to stairs. The regulars sit on the other side. (Ok, so the cafateria design is like Geek Charming's cafateria😂 judge me)

Perrie's group were the populars. Jesy, Jade, and Leigh.

Edward's group were the punk-rocks. Ashton, Luke, and Calum. Their biggest excuse is "I'm punk-rock, I do what I want" which never works so why bother?

Ariana's group of friends are the cheerleaders. Victoria, Liz, Ellie, Eleanor, Danielle, and a few other girls. (Haha see what I did there with Ellie! If you don't know, Ellie is Ariana's best friend in my two other stories. And no, this Ellie is not Ellie Gouldling)

There's a few other people and that leads to my group.

The jocks. You know us. Me, Niall, Zayn, Louis, and Liam. Buy we're not that bad once you get to know us. I personally think we're all sweet guys.

Marcel never came to this side. He was too scared, even when he has his two brothers to help him out. He always sat in the corner of the lunch room, either reading or pretending to talk to this weird kid he always encounters. I felt kinda bad, but he's the one who doesn't want to come over here no matter how many times I invited him.

I continued to eat the rest of my coffee cake, shaking off the the marcel stuff. Zayn stood up and was making his way to Perrie. "Zayn!" I practically yelled, making everyone look at me. "What?" He scowled. "Can you go to the restroom with me?" I slowly asked. "What? No! Go by yourself." "I thought only girls do that." Louis chuckled. "Guess I'm a lady then." I pushed him. "I feel like I have something stuck in my eye!" I made the stupidest excuse ever it made the "punk-rock" one look acceptable. "Fine." He huffed and took me to the restroom.

Once we were in, I opened my eyes so Zayn can check nothing. "Anything?" I asked. I really hope he doesn't poke my eye. "Nothing." He scanned my eye. "Ok, all clear!" I stuck a thumbs up. We went back to the lunch room and saw Ed flirting up Perrie. Zayn put hid head down and sat back in his chair. I feel so bad. Perrie kissed Edward and he went back to his friends. Ariana was sitting across from Ed and he looked at me. I gave him the look, saying that I completed my part of the deal. He nodded and sat next to Ariana. He began talking her up and pointing at me. He kept on talking and she wrote something in her notebook. She tore it out and handed it to Ed. He nodded and got up over to me. "And with that, I got you her number. She wants you to call her later too." Ed gave me the piece of paper. "Hell yeah!" I looked at the paper. "Your welcome, douche." He turned to go back to his table.

After school, Edward drove home with his car and Marcel decided to stay with me. He said he was scared that Edward might slam him. The thing is, Ed always threatens us but in the end, he never does. He can't slam his own brothers. Even for an idiot like him, he knows that.

"Ok boys, today's practice is gonna be free practice. Only because I feel nice today." Coach said. "Woah, Coach is feeling nice?" Louis laughed. "Don't get used to it Tomlinson!" Coach said.

Since it was free practice, the lads and I decided to kick a ball around us. "Zayn!" Liam screamed. The ball hit his face and brought him back to reality. "What was that for?" He rubbed his face. "If coach doesn't see you practicing on free practice he'll kill you!" Liam said. "What's on your mind?" Niall asked as he continued to kick around the soccor ball. "Nothing. Just uh- just tired." He lied. "Right.." Louis said. "It's true! Having history class at the end of the day makes me tired, ok?" Zayn said with annoyance. I wonder if his additude today has to do with Perrie?

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