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Yay the boys won 2 BRITs! So proud of them. And 5sos attended the awards! So for celebration, I give you a new chapter :D

"Good evening Harry." Marcel greeted me. "Hey." I said. "There's dinner on the table if you're hungry." He went back to reading his book. I just want to go to bed already.

During midnight or something, I heard a loud slam to the front door. I grabbed my soccor ball and slowly crept down the steep staircase. "Fucking hell, I'm gonna die." I muttered. I heard things clattering in the kitchen. As I got closer, i saw a shadow and threw my soccor ball at the person.

"Ow! What the fuck?!" Edward yelled. I couldn't help but let out a small laugh at my accident. "It's not funny." He said as he cleaned up his spilled water. "Sorry Ed. I thought you were a rapist or something." I got down to clean up as well. "Well you thought wrong." He said. "What's up with you?" I asked. "Perrie thought I fucking cheated on her!" He threw his arms up. "Why?" I kept on asking. "Your stupid friend had to tell Perrie that I kissed Ariana." "You kissed Ari?" Now i was getting a little mad. "No. Well. Yes. I don't know! But whatever it is, I don't like Ariana. But Perrie won't believe me." Edward threw one of the plates sitting on the counter. "Ed!" I scowled. "We can buy more." He said. "I'm going back to sleep. Don't break anymore stuff." "No promises." He called.

In the morning, I ran downstairs to make breakfast for me and my brothers. Marcel came down right after me and Edward? Only God knows what he's doing. "Can I just get cereal?" Marcel buttoned up his shirt. "Sure." I gave him the cereal box and milk. Edward came down looking like a mess. His hair was probably the only thing that looked ok. "You look like shit." I said to him. "So do you." He glared at me. "Yeah because clean clothes and combed hair are shitty." I poured him and Marcel water. We didn't say much this morning. Ed was busy texting someone and I was just playing on my phone. "We should be going." Marcel spoke. I nodded and got my keys from the table.

We all got to shcool and like every morning, we split up. Marcel goes straight to homeroom, and Ed meets his friends at the same spot everyday. I go to my locker where my mates meet me. "Morning lads." I put my math book in my locker. "You should've been at Perrie's last night. Epic party." He smiled. "Ehhh, all her parties are the same. Same people. Nothing new." I shut my locker door. The warning bell rang and I walked with Louis to homeroom.

"Edward?" Mrs. Vincent asked. "Edward?" She called again. No answer. I turned around from my seat and saw that Edward was missing. Where the fuck did he go? Mrs. Vincent skipped him and continued roll call. After she finished with everybody, Ed burst through the door. "I'm here!" "You're late." She said in a stern voice. "Sorry. I was taking a wee. Bathrooms are ages away." The whole class laughed and Mrs. Vincent shushed us. "Ok, go to your next class." She announced. I got up from my seat and went to english class. I've got Niall and Marcel in english. I sit next to Niall in the back and the teacher calls us "narry" because we always talk and goof off in class.

I sat down as the class was getting full. "Ok, class. Today we're going to be writing fictional stories." "Like princesses and unicorns?" Niall shouted out. The class laughed and the teacher eyed us to shut up. "No, Mr. Horan. Not that low of fictions." She repositioned her glasses. "I like unicorns, Mrs. Bakers!" I said. She turned around and gave me the look. "You two are such trouble. You want to take your belongings and sit in the office?" She sternly asked. "No." Niall and I muttered. "That's what I thought. Begin writing." She said.

"Damn, she's so strict." Niall whispered. "I know right?" I chuckled. "Mrs. Bakers?" The door opened and there stood her. Ariana Grande. "Yes?" Mrs. Bakers kept her eyes on her book. "It's me, Ariana Grande." She spoke. "Oh, yes! I forgot. Everyone, can I please have your attenion?" The teacher announced. "This is-" "Ariana Grande." I said. Everyone turned to me like I just did something wrong. "What?" I glared at the people staring at me. "As I was saying, Ariana Grande will be in our English class for the rest of the year." Ariana nodded her head and was scanning the room to find a seat. This is my chance! "Ariana! Over here! This seat is empty!" I pushed Niall out of his seat. He fell along with his books and papers. "What the fuck, Harry?" He gathered his stuff and sat back up. "No swearing, Mr. Horan." Mrs. Bakers warned him. Ariana laughed and passed by me to sit next to her friend in the back. I sighed and slouched in my chair.

Lunch came by slowly and I was starving. I sat next to Zayn as he was probably daydreaming about Perrie again. I saw Luke Hemmings and Ariana walk together to their lunch table, laughing, having a good time. It disgusts me. Ariana and Luke have been good friends just because their parents are close friends. I've never really like Luke. I don't know why Edward's friends with him. Or any of them in fact. Speaking of Edward...

"Hey I need you to do something for me." He brushed his curls out of his face. "Like what? I don't have time for your stupid pranks." I continued to eat my lunch. "No! It's not a prank. I just want you to help me get Perrie back." He said. Zayn slouched back and turned his face. "I know it was you, you bastard." Edward deeply spoke. "Don't talk to him like that." I got up from my seat. "Calm your tits ok?" Edward pushed me. "Fuck you." I pushed him back. "Boys.." The principle walked by. "Sorry." I mumbled and Edward stormed off.

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