Her past

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Harry's pov

It's probably 3 am now, and I still don't feel tired. Ariana is writing songs and drawing pictures, doing things to keep herself awake.

"If you're tired, go to bed." I gently stroke her brown hair, observing her work. "Nah. I wanna stay awake with you." She looks up and smiles at me. "Anways, what do you think of this?" She sits up right, and hands me a piece of paper with lyrics to a song entitled, 'problem'.

"Head in the clouds got no weight on my shoulders. I should be wiser and realize that I've got one less problem without you." I read outloud, amazed by her little song. "I like it." I kiss her nose, setting down the paper.

She contines to write lyrics here and there, until I interrupt her thoughts with a random question.

"So what was your brother talking about earlier? About marcel and you in freshman year?"

She props her head up, and looked at me with these eyes I've never seen. "Don't you dare ask me that ever again." She warns. "I just wanna know." I shrug. "There's nothing to know about it. Drop it." She says in a serious voice. But it's so cute, I couldn't help but laugh a little. "What's so funny?" She demands. "It's just. You're so adorable." I admit. She frowns, then starts giggling with me.

"I guess I can tell you. I mean, you're my boyfriend and all." She mumbles. "You don't have to. I was just curious." I kinda lie.

"You're lying."

"Am not. Well, a little." I admit quietly.

She just laughs, before telling her story.

A/N:Before you read any further, I do realize that ariana is NOT british in real life. It's only the story's plot. So do not comment saying "oh she's not british get your facts right" got it?

"As you know, it all began in freshman year. I was new to this area since I was born in Florida. You know, America. But I'm fully British. I had a few classes with Marcel, and my first class with him was math, my favorite."

"Wait you like math?" I ask her in somewhat disgust.

"Yes, now let me continue." She snaps at me.

"Anyways, I sat next to Marcel and throughout the day, we got to know eachother and we became real close real fast. We shared the same intrest, like math, and school, comic books, video games, and action figures. I came to the point of where I really liked him, I was head over heels. I thought he liked me back the same way, but in reality, he didn't. He liked the cheerleaders, always saying how pretty they were and how amazingly talented the head cheerleader was. I got kinda jealous. Like really jealous. It made me feel insecure about myself. Like if they're gorgeous, then who am I? So over the summer, I changed my look a little bit. I let my red hair fade out, I donated all my t-shirts and suspenders, I packed away my comic books, and bought better clothes, and things I actually enjoyed other than video games. Then eventually, sophmore year rolled by and on the first day, I signed up for cheerleading. The next day, I walked up to Marcel with the new me, and the first thing he said to me was "i don't like this. I miss the old Ariana." And of course I was gutted, yet confused. I thought he liked girls that were like this. I did all of this just for him! I came home pretty pissed. So I made new friends, and made my way to the head cheerleader. I hung out with Luke Hemmings for half on the year and he introduced me to his group of friends, and I met Edward. He reminded me so much of Marcel, just the asshole version. Then I suddenly bumped into you. The perfect triplet. And I couldn't be happier to be here with you." She kisses my cheek.

"Thanks for clarifying things up." I smile at her. She just nods her head, playing with her hair.

"Tell me. Did you only date me because I remind you of Marcel?" She shoots her head back up, looking at me with serious eyes. "No. I dated you because you remind me of me. Ashton always told me that I'm the girly version of you." She giggles. "I mean sure, you guys look alike. But you're a triplet! Your personalites are so different and that's why I love you. You're like the other half of me."

"Really? Ashton said you're the girl version of me?" I ask. She nods her head in responce. "I never thought Ashton would say that, really. He doesn't like me very much. In fact, I hate all of Edward's so called 'punk rock friends'." I quote punk rock. Ariana lets out a little chuckle,"Trust me. They're not punk rock." I laugh at her comment,"Only Niall gets along with them. I don't know how he can stand those boys.

The rest of the night was spent talking about random shit. We eventually fell asleep with big smiles plastered across our faces.

Do any if you guys have a tumblr? If so you can follow my new account @calumfrick :) i just got it last week and yeah haha

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