(S1) Chapter 7 ~ Apologies

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    Hello! I just wanted to thank you all so much for 100 reads! XD I know it may seem small compared to other books on Wattpad, but this is a huge step for me. I may be doing a give-away soon! I'm not sure what exactly to give away, how, or when but it's definitely something I want to do for you guys! Anyways, thanks! And continue reading this book! ^W^

  Rory sits down at the table in our kitchen. She has a few of the containers opened and is already munching on her bacon. I set down the rest of the containers on the counter. I grab the container with German potato pancakes and my mug of lemonade, then I join Rory at the table.

  Mom comes in and says she's gotta go to the bathroom first. I go back to the counter to get some coffee, just in case. I get Rory some as well. "Here." I say as I hand her the coffee.

  "Thanks." she takes a deep breath before she sips her coffee. 

  "It'll be okay." I tell her. "We need to know the whole story and now she's finally gonna tell us."

  She nods. "Right. I'm just not sure how it's gonna go." 

  "Well, that doesn't matter. It could go any way." I say. "We have to hear it, no matter what it is that happened."

  Rory pales. "I just don't like hearing about Mom being hurt." she admits. "I hate seeing it."

  I pass her a doughnut, we stopped at a coffee shop on the way home. She puts it in her container. 

  "There are too many containers here. I'll go put them on the counter." I pick up the containers and walk over to the counter. "I'll give you plates instead." I reach for a cupboard and grab a stack of plates. I put Rory's bacon on one of the plates. Then I put her doughnut on another. 

  Rory starts to do the same with the rest of the containers. She puts containers that we're not eating right now, in the fridge. 

  "Yay! We finally have some good leftovers." I say. 

  Mom comes in and pours herself some coffee. She stares at us. 

  "Mom?" Rory asks, looking concerned. "Are you okay?"

  "Yeah," Mom replies. "I'm..ready. To tell you guys." she sits down at the table and we do the same. Mom takes a deep breath. "I was 16."

  * * *

  "February 5th, was when I found out I was pregnant with Rory. I didn't tell anyone yet, I knew I had to keep it to myself until I could figure something out. I was only 4 weeks pregnant, so I wasn't waddling or feeling any sort of pains. It wasn't noticeable. At least not yet." Mom starts. "When I became 2 months pregnant, I finally decided to tell Christopher, your dad."

  "He tried to help me the best that he could. But, there was nothing really anyone could do. I went to school as long as I could, without my mother knowing. Until my coming out party. It was just 3 weeks after my birthday. It was May 19th when I finally told my parents. It was the only time they ever looked small to me." I look down, she always says things like that.

  "Chris' parents and my parents met in my parents' house to discuss the situation. His parents wanted to send me away and abort the baby, Rory." she says tenderly. "Emily strongly declined both of those ideas. Finally, my dad decided to have Chris work in the insurance company with him. He wanted us to get married and live with them. While this was going on, me and Chris sat on the stairs. It was horrible. They were talking about what to do our lives. And yours." she says staring at Rory.

  "Anyway, I kept going to school and keeping my pregnancy a secret. Eventually it was my 8th month and it was getting harder to hide. People kept giving my mom addresses to fat farms. She had to let the news out." she smiles awkwardly. "One day, when I was in my 9th month, I was eating a sandwich and watching TV. Crumbs had fallen on my stomach so I easily just brushed them off, no big deal. But apparently Rory didn't like that. I felt a kick and then a lot of pain. I rushed downstairs as fast as I could, wrote a note to my parents and went to the nearest hospital."

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