Chapter 25 ~ Reconciliation

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   Happy belated Thursday guys! Thanks for all the votes and reads, I highly appreciate it. 

   I walk up the steps to my house, coffee in hand, preparing for the first encounter with Mom. I don't know whether I should knock or just come in. So, I knock, just in case.

  When I look in the window, I see Mom rushing to the door from the stairs. She gets to it, opening it very wide, almost so it's against the wall. 

  "Callie.." she breathes, almost happily.

  "Hi." I reply. I inhale a shaky breath. "May I come in?"

  "Of course." she says stepping to the side. 

  When I step in, she walks into the kitchen and I shut the door. I take off my shoes and follow her into the kitchen, where she is placing pop-tarts into the toaster. 

  "Strawberry?" she asks. 

  I nod as I slide into a chair at the table. "Perfect."

  She sits across from me, an unreadable expression on her face. 

  "I'm so sorry, Mom." I burst out just as she says the same thing. I smile. "I realized how stupid everything was. This is crazy! I shouldn't be at Grandma and Grandpa's, I should be here, with you."

  She places her hands on her chest, a tremulous smile appearing across her face. "No, Callie. I shouldn't have kept you from them. They're..your grandparents, it's up to you whether you want to contact them or not." she explains. "I wish I could go back, things would be so different, better."

  "Mom, no. It wouldn't be like it is now."

  "What? With us constantly fighting?" she asks seriously. "You're right. It wouldn't be like this."

  "That's not what I meant. Things are great the way it is now. Yes, we have our occasional bicker-fest every now and then. But," I turn to look at the pop-tarts, then I look back at Mom. "Pop-tarts."

  Her expression remains unchanged but her tone has a hint of confusion. "What..?"

  "If we lived there, in that house, that mansion, we would never eat pop-tarts. We would be eating salmon, lamb and strudel every night, with some exotic dessert. Eating crepes and poached eggs with bacon for breakfast." I reason. "Would you want to raise my and Rory in that place, with maids coming and going everyday? Would you actually have been able to?"

  She pauses, staring at me. "No." she finally says in a small voice. "That's not what I would've wanted for you two."

  We both don't say anything for a while. Until I speak up with the question we've both been dying to ask. "So, are we...okay?"

  She looks at me with a sad face. "Of course, Callie. Oh my god, yes."

  "Really? I thought you would've been more upset, angry. Even refuse to take us back in." I say.

  "Callie, no. I would never! I was the one who messed up." she disagrees. She reaches across the table to take my hands in hers. "I want you both back here as soon as you're ready."

  I nod. "What happened to.." I'm unsure of what to call him, Dad or by his name, I don't know. It's so weird.

  "Chris?" she clarifies. I nod in response. "He's in Hartford."

  "Hartford? Why?"

  "Talking to your grandparents."

  "About what?"

  "Rory. You." she says.

  "What? But why?"

  "He wants to try again. With us. Y'know, being a family and everything." she whispers the last part.

  I don't say anything. 

  "Callie? Are you okay?"

  I look up. "Are you going to let him?"

  Her eyes look sad, like she feels sorry for him. "Mom. Just because you feel bad for him, doesn't mean he can come back into our lives again. Not if you don't want him to."

  She quickly spreads a false smile on her face. "Who says I don't want him here?"

  Before I can reply, she stands and goes to get the pop-tarts. 

  I wonder about Dad. What life would be like with him here. I've always thought about who he really was. If he was like Mom or if he was more of a bad boy. Maybe he was a goody-two shoes? I highly doubt that he was a nerd or a sporty guy. Although I don't really know what kind of guys Mom likes.

  I hope Rory can fill me in on some stuff. After all, I haven't seen him since I was too young to even remember. Why am I the one that's always in the dark?

  * * *

  Hey (sorry for the short chapter). I am done summer school now, so I will be able to publish a longer chapter, on the correct day (Thursday). Maybe I will publish even more. I don't know yet. I expect to finish this book by September, maybe October. Then I will take a small break (a week to a month) before I can start the second book.

  Thanks for reading. I'll see you all in the next chapter (which will be all about Rory and Callie's anniversaries, I promise).

  Question: How do you feel about the Revival (if you've watched it)? Do you think it did Gilmore Girls justice? Or do you think there should be another "revival?"

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