Chapter 39 ~ Tell Me You Still Love Me

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  "Do you think I'm horrible?" I ask Rory and Lane in Kim's Antiques. "Do you?"

  Rory and Lane exchange a look. "Why do you say that?" Lane asks me.

  "Don't you know what I did?" I pull down my sleeves, nervous habit. Rory's gaze down-casts. "You didn't tell her did you?" I sigh irritated.

  "I'm sorry!" Rory exclaims. 

  Lane looks at us confused. "Tell me what? What's going on guys?"

  Well, here goes nothing. "I cheated on Asher."

  "What?" Lane gasps. 

  Rory scoffs, shaking her head in disagreement. "You didn't cheat on him, Callie."

  "Then what would you call it, huh?" I counter. "You cheated on Dean."

  "We were already broken up!" She yells fiercely. "It was the next night, you know that."

  Lane waves her hands frantically. "Guys! Calm down. Please." She pleads. "First of all, my mom is right upstairs. Second of all, you're my best friends and I hate seeing you fight."

  Lane is a super sensitive person, I should've known better than to cause an argument in front of her. "Sorry, Lane."

  Rory apologizes, too and Lane nods in acknowledgment. "And third of all, you need to let me in on whatever is going on. C'mon spill!"

  So I do. I spend the next 30 minutes explaining and debating what happened with Rory and Lane. They both have different opinions on the matter. Rory thinks what I did wasn't the textbook definition of cheating, and therefore is wrong of anyone to assume I did so. Lane believes that I had a good reason for kissing Lopez, especially with what Asher pulled the next day, on our anniversary. But he hadn't done anything before then.

  Rory interrupts the conversation to tell us that she has to leave. "I have no caffeine in me and I need to study; exams are coming up, Callie." She informs me, as if I don't already know that myself.

  I sigh and roll my eyes. "I know, Rory."

  She simply shrugs and stands from her seat, grabbing her bag and belongings. "O-kay. I'm going to Luke's to get some coffee, then I guess home, right?" She asks looking in my direction.

  I nod. "Yeah, I'll meet you at home after I meet up with Asher." Rory stares at me blankly. "What?"

  "Don't blow it. Or if you're gonna tell him, at least do it decently." She warns.

  "What are you talking about? I'm not going to tell him about Lopez. Why on Earth would I tell him?" I stutter, mind racing.

  Rory pleads for me to listen to her with her eyes "Just . . . be careful with what you say and how you say it." 

  "Yeah, or what I don't say," I mumble without much thought.

  She glares at me. "What's that supposed to mean?"

  I bite my lip nervously. I did not mean to say that out loud, especially to Rory. "Nothing, that's not what I meant."

  She just shakes her head and stuffs her papers into a binder, then shoves her binder into her backpack. "I'm going, see you later."

  "Rory?" Lane calls with concern in her voice, gently putting a hand on Rory's shoulder. 

  "I'm fine," Rory replies casually. "I'll call you."

  Lane manages a small smile and nods in agreement. "Okay."

  Rory leaves, causing the bells on the door to jingle loudly. Within seconds Mrs. Kim comes rushing down the stairs, eyes narrow and sharp with attentiveness. "Where's customer?"

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