Chapter 22 ~ Christopher

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  Happy Thursday! Sorry for the lack of chapters. Enjoy this sad Gilmore Girls song. ^w^

  A few minutes go by and I've called Breanna, with Rory's help, of course. The phone rings once, twice, then someone answers.

  "Hello." a female's voice responds. 

  "Hi. Breanna?" I ask.

  "Callie?" she gasps. "Hey! How're you doing?" 

  "I'm okay.." I say hesitantly.

  "Yeah? It's been a while."

  "I know."

  "So, why'd you call?"

  "Well, um, things are pretty crazy over here." I say. "My dad's back. And he's living at my house, with my mom.."

  "What? You're kidding."

  "No, I wish I was."

  She doesn't say anything for a while. "I'm sorry. For abandoning you.."

  "Bre," I start.

  "No. I left. Yeah, it wasn't really my choice because of my mom. But, I could've stayed in touch. Instead of waiting until I came back." she apologizes. 

  "Me too."

  "So, what exactly has been going on?" she asks me.

  "Oh, well, a lot actually--"

  "Start from the beginning!"

  * * *

  "You feel better?" Breanna asks me as we walk side by side, into Chilton. 

  "I guess. I just can't believe he's there." I sigh, causing Asher to squeeze my hand gently.

  "Maybe you should go see him." he says.

  I whip my head sideways to stare at him with disbelief. "What?"

  "See him." he repeats.

  "I can't see him." I scoff, shaking my head.

  "Sure you can." Breanna agrees. "Just go home when you know your mom's not gonna be there. Talk to him."

  "How? I can't just walk into the house and start talking to him. I need a plan. And a logical excuse for being there." I reason.

  "Cal," Breanna eyes me. "You can do it. He's your father. You don't need an excuse to talk to him."

  I sigh then glance at them both. "Okay. Okay, I'll meet him."

  "Good." Breanna says smiling.

  "You're making the right choice, Cal." Asher tells me, kissing my forehead. 

  "Thanks." I whisper as we then part into our separate classes.

  * * * After School * * *

  I step off the bus in Stars Hollow, I haven't been here in a while, it still hasn't snowed. I walk past Doose's, the bookstore, the theatre, but I stop by Luke's to have some coffee. As I enter, I get the feeling that I'm being watched. 

  When I glance around the room, I realize everyone is staring at me. Luke comes out from the back, and nearly drops his plates when he sees me.

  "Callie.." he says, as if out of breath.

  I go over to the counter. "Hey. Is there a reason why everyone's giving me strange looks?" I walk around the counter.

  "Come over here." he drops the plates on the counter, grabs my arm and leads me into the food room.

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