Chapter 3

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"Is Emma okay?" I whispered.

"She's a little banged up, but her car seat kept her well protected.  She's already been discharged, so Logan and Odette have her with them, now.  They sent me to check on you, because they didn't know what sort of state you'd be in.  They didn't want her to see you this way and scare her" he explained.

"Can I at least talk to her!?  I need to check on my baby girl" I pleaded.

"Once Logan has her home and settled in, I will make sure he gives you a call so you can talk to Emma" he promised.

I nodded slightly.  "I'm just so glad she's okay...  Has anyone called my mom and Luke?" I asked.

"Yes, I believe Logan took care of that, as well, and that they're on their way here.  Although, I'm not sure how long ago that was" he said.

" How long have I been asleep?" I asked.

"Overnight, at least, but I think they gave you some pretty strong pain meds to try to keep you asleep and comfortable for a while" he said.

"How bad is it, Finn, really?  Please, tell me the truth" I whispered.

"You've got some quite a bit of swelling, and some bruises.  They fear maybe some internal bleeding from broken ribs, but they're still waiting on the results from your MRI to know for sure.  Apparently, the steering wheel hit you with such a brute force, they think the airbag went off after you initially hit, not before.  Supposedly, that's a faulty situation from the car manufacturer, and Logan's already got his lawyers working up a case for it" he said.

"Well that sure didn't take long" I whispered, and then I realized something.  "Finn...?  Who did you flirt with to get all of this information?" I asked with a light laugh.

"Well I'm insulted, Darling!  You'd really think I'd sell myself out that way?  What, am I just a piece of meat to you!?" he asked, pretending to be hurt.  "Well, truth is, I tried, and it didn't work...  So I had to move to plan B" he explained.

"Plan B?" I whispered curiously.

"You act as if no one's ever told you that I was your long lost brother, Love" he teased with a wink.

I laughed.  Leave it to Finn to concoct some wild story to pretend to be family, just to get a bit of information.

"So what happened?  How did you end up wrapped around that tree, Love?" he asked in a very serious, concerned tone.

"I remember a car, and it was coming right at me, head on, almost in slow motion.  Basically, I could let him hit us, or I could swerve to get out of the way, which I did, but I guess I overcompensated, because I hit the tree on the other side of me, instead" I whispered.

He nodded and I could see the sadness in his eyes.  I could tell he didn't want to tell me just how awful I looked.

Suddenly, the door burst open and my mom and Luke rushed in.  "Oh my – GOD!  Rory!  Are you okay!?  My poor baby!  Seriously, are you okay!?  How's Emma!?  Where is she!?" my mom rattled off.

"Emma's okay, Lorelai, she's been discharged.  Logan and Odette have her with them.  She's just got a few bumps and scrapes, but she's okay" Finn filled her in.

"What?" Luke asked in surprise, turning to see Finn.

"Oh right, the Australian Godfather.  So, what brings you to the Rory side of the equation?" Lorelai asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, of course I had to check on Mother and see for myself that she was alright.  She's always been special to me" he promised.

"Well, that's very sweet of you to check on her, but we can take it from here.  If you talk to Logan, could you let him know I'd like to see Emma in a few hours, if that's alright" Lorelai said.

"Absolutely," he said, and then he turned to me.  "You take care and rest easy, Love.  I hate to see you this way, but know that if there's anything I can do – anything at all – you just say the word and I'll make it happen.  And in the meantime, I'll explain to Logan what happened during the wreck.  I just wish we had some way to find out a way to find that lousy son of a –" he started.

"Thank you, Finn – for everything.  Take care of my sweet girl for me while I can't, please.  That's the best thing you could do for me right now" I whispered.

"Sure thing, Love.  Feel better soon" he whispered with a smile, and then walked out.

*                                                          *                                                          *

A few hours later, Lorelai called Logan.  "Hey, Lorelai, how's Rory feeling?" he asked.

"She's in a lot of pain, but she's alright.  The MRI results came in, and there's no internal bleeding, thank god, so other than a broken wrist, I think she got off pretty easy.  How's Princess Emma feeling?" she asked.

"She was shaken up at first, I guess she was sleeping when it happened because she had no idea what was going on.  She's calmed down now, though.  She was so happy when she was able to talk to Rory earlier, and she insisted on going to get her a present, so Odette took her out to go shopping." he said.

"Oh good, I'm glad she's doing alright, considering everything.  By the way, have you talked with your friend from Down Under?  Are we still on for me to be able to see Em tonight?" she asked.

"Sure, that's fine, but I haven't talked to Finn since this morning.  Last I heard he wanted to go check on Rory, but I didn't know he ever actually went.  He said he wanted to, that it wasn't right for her to be in the hospital alone when she woke up, and since it would take hours for you to get here, but I didn't know he ever went.  That was nice of him, huh?  I've been sort of ignoring my phone today while Emma's been here.  I just want to make sure she's okay" he said.

"Yeah, I get that.  You're a great dad, Logan" she said.

"Thanks, Lorelai.  That means a lot.  But you can head on over any time, the girls should be back within the hour or so from the store, they left quite a while ago" he said.

"Okay, see you in a while, Logan.  Thanks" she said, and hung up the phone.

"So I take it Aussie didn't ask Logan if we could come over?" Luke asked.

"No, but apparently Logan didn't send him here at all – that was all his own doing...  But Logan said he's also been ignoring his phone most of the day ever since they've come home from the hospital" she said.

"The Aussie's own doing – why do you think he did that?" Luke asked.

"Who the hell knows what anyone does nowadays.  It was nice of him to be here for her, though.  It's not like she had anyone else to call besides us" she said.

"Yeah, she's a loner.  She gets that from me" Luke teased.

Lorelai laughed and nodded, knowing he was absolutely right, blood related or not.

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