Chapter 21

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"You're home late" someone said from the kitchen whenever Finn walked into his Loft.

"Popsicle, you're still up?" he asked in surprise.

"You forget that it's three in the afternoon at home, Big Brother. I'm still on Australia time" she said with a laugh.

"True" he said, taking his jacket off and tossing it onto a chair in the living room, and sitting down on the couch.

"So, how did it go?" she asked.

He sighed. "Pretty well. We're back to normal now, at least" he said.

"Except it's not how you normally are, that you want" she pointed out.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Oh come on, Finny. Don't play daft with me. You have never in your entire life wanted to be in a relationship with anyone, yet you're dying for it with her" she said.

"What would make you think I want to be in a relationship with her?" he asked.

"When's the last time you've EVER told me about a girl you were interested in?" she asked.

"I haven't been interested in anyone before" he said.

"Exactly. And now you are, and I know you are, because you can't stop talking about her! And it's the most stinking adorable thing I've ever seen in my LIFE" she said.

He groaned and rolled his eyes. "I just wish she felt the same way. Or that I was good enough to deserve her" he whispered.

She grinned from ear to ear, and sat down Indian-style beside him. "I knew it" she said happily.

"It doesn't matter, though, because she's made it perfectly clear to me that she isn't ready to date, and made it perfectly clear to Logan, that even if she were, it wouldn't be with me. She doesn't trust me, not in the way a person should trust a potential mate" he said, sadness in his eyes.

"But Finn, she was jealous of me. One doesn't get jealous over someone they don't have feelings for. And she clearly trusts you, or she wouldn't have taken your word for it that Emma would be safe with me. You've told me how overprotective of her she is, so that was a huge declaration of trust in your favor. I think she has more feelings for you than she's admitting" she said.

"Maybe, but I just can't get past what she told Logan" he said.

"Logan. Her ex. You're going to listen to her ex about whether or not she wants to date you?" she asked tonelessly.

"I see your point, Popsicle, but he seemed really okay with the idea of me attempting to date her" he said.

"So he knows" she said.

He nodded. "Yeah, I think it was pretty obvious" he said.

"So now the only person you have to convince, is Rory" she said.

"Yeah, and I have no idea how on earth to do that, and I'm terrified to even think about trying. What if I go and screw up everything we've got going right now? I mean, no, we're not technically together, but we basically are except for being physical, and in all honesty, it's been nice just spending time with her, getting to know her, and having fun with her, and Emma. For once in my life, I don't miss the sex. I mean – don't get me wrong, I wouldn't turn it down, but it's just nice to know she's not 'that' type of girl" he said.

"She's definitely a girl you could bring home to meet mum and dad" she said with a wink.

"Let's not get carried away now" he teased.

"Why don't you invite her to dinner with us tomorrow night? I'd love to get the chance to get to know her while I'm in town" she said.

"I can ask, but I know she'll have Emma, and she doesn't usually get babysitters. She wants to spend as much time with her as she can" he said.

"That's sweet! Well, why don't we go somewhere that Emma will enjoy? Make it about her, and that's a surefire way to get in on her Mummy's good side" she said.

"I haven't told you where I'm taking them this weekend, have I?" he asked.

"No! Where are you taking them?" she asked eagerly.

"Anaheim, California" he said.

She looked at him blankly. "And that's impressive because...? What the hell's in Anaheim?" she asked.

"Disneyland. The place Emma has been wanting to go forever, and Rory has been dying to take her, but couldn't afford to yet. We're flying out on my jet and I'm giving her my black card to take Emma on the trip of a lifetime" he said.

"Oh my gosh, Finny, you've got it bad! Did she ask you for this?" she asked.

"No, God no. She would never ask for something like that, and she didn't want to accept it, either. I insisted, and told her I wouldn't take no for an answer. She knows by now, that means she has no choice" he said with a laugh.

She looked at him scoldingly.

"Don't worry, Popsicle. I always use my powers for good, not evil with this one" he said with a laugh.

"You'd better, or I'd have to hurt you" she warned.

"Right, well, I'm off to bed. I've got a nine o'clock meeting tomorrow that I have to look bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for, so I'm going to have to cut our talk short" he said.

"Make sure she comes out with us tomorrow. Emma's of course more than welcome, I love kids!" she said.

"I know you do, Little Sister. One day it'll happen for you and Charlie, I just know it" he said reassuringly, kissing her on top of the head.

"Goodnight, Finny" she whispered.

"Goodnight, Popsicle" he whispered back, and went off to bed.

* * *

I received a text message. "Good morning, beautiful, how did you sleep?" he asked.

I smiled. "Very comfortably, in my own bed, I might add" I said.

"Couldn't have my girl getting a crink in her neck from sleeping on that horrid couch of yours" he teased.

"What's wrong with my couch? I just so happen to like it" I replied with a laugh.

"Meh, we'll get you a new one, eventually" he said.

"Whatever you say, Finn. So, I'm not used to hearing from you so early. To what do I owe the pleasure?" I asked.

"Poppy is insisting I invite you and Emma out tonight with us, she wants to go someplace Emma would love. She's a kid person, so literally anywhere Emma would want to go would be perfect" he said.

"I'm being invited out with not only the Legendary Finn, but also a member of his family. Never have I ever thought I'd see the day" I said with a laugh.

"And I'm not taking no for an answer" he said with a winking emoji.

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