Epilogues Chapter 2: The Huntzbergers

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Shira and Mitchum had a falling out, causing her to leave for a 'spa retreat' over a year ago and never came back; but in reality she was actually living in a rehab facility for her addiction to painkillers and then shipped to an institution for her complete mental breakdown after Mitchum had her served with divorce papers. She had done nothing with her life, besides being the sharp-tongued trophy wife she was, and so she was suddenly well aware that her new life would be in shambles.

Many things have changed for Logan and Odette since they had welcomed their son, Erek. Mitchum's retirement meant a new promotion was appointed to Logan, making him the Chief Executive Officer of the Huntzberger Publishing Group. In addition to this, they moved their family to Hartford, and had a home built near the Huntzberger Estate; Honor and Josh were still nearby as well.

Odette has followed her passion and became one of the most sought after docents at the Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art. She has always had an eye for art, but she was really in her element here, and is like a vat of knowledge with so many of the exhibits there.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Erek, happy birthday to you" family and friends sang to the newest Huntzberger heir. Odette had requested that their son have a strong, French name, and so they decided on Erek Astin, which means always mighty, and a strong trustworthy leader. Erek was turning three years old today, and he had begged his mom and dad for a dinosaur-themed party, and boy did they deliver! He was still very young, of course, but he was the spitting image of his daddy – both in appearance and in personality. Erek squealed in delight as his favorite person in the whole world came up to him for a hug.

"Emmy!" he exclaimed, throwing his arms around his nine year old big sister.

"Happy birthday, Erek!" she said happily. She loved her little brother just as much, and she took her duty as big sister very, very seriously.

Logan looked across the room, and his eyes landed on Rory. He felt lucky to be able to have her in his life, despite the way things worked out with their own relationship; he didn't regret anything about the fact that they're not together any longer, because it brought him to where he is in life now – a loving, devoted wife, an amazing career which is actually his – the Dark Lord no longer looms over him and trusts him to make his own good decisions, the most beautiful daughter and amazing son that he could have ever imagined, and an amazing set of dependable best friends that they found in Rory and Finn. He smiled in realization of just how truly special and amazing his life had gotten, and that everything had led him here. He had spent so much time running away from his legacy, when in reality it was him finally embracing it that has made him claim to be the happiest man in the world.

"Let's go ask Maman if it's time to open your presents" Emma said, reaching for her brother's hand, and leading him to go find Odette. After Erek was born, Emma had asked Rory's permission to call Odette 'Maman', which is an informal word for mom in French. Rory's feelings stung a little bit by the initial shock of her asking that, but Finn helped her to realize it wasn't taking any of Emma's affection away from her; it was just simply her way of giving a little extra to Odette, who has been a second mother to her since birth, and loved her like her own daughter. Realizing how lucky she was that Emma had such an amazing stepmom to co-parent with, she quickly gave her blessing.

"Son" Mitchum said, putting a hand onto Logan's shoulder.

"Hey, Dad. Having a good time?" Logan asked, turning to the man in amusement. He had a pair of jeans on – something Logan couldn't ever remember seeing in his lifetime – and a casual polo.

"I am, Logan, thank you" he said.

"For what? It was just an invitation to your grandson's birthday party" Logan said with a chuckle.

"For allowing me back into your family. I know I had some unorthodox ways of going about attaining my goals, and I know that many, many of those goals came at a great expense for you, but look at you now! The head of the biggest publishing company in the United States, you have a beautiful, intelligent woman by your side who loves you deeply, two incredible children who think the world of you – and you take the time to make them a priority. That was something I never had the courage to do with you and your sister back when I was in your shoes, and in many ways I'm envious of you for your dedication to your family, but I didn't have what you have. You've got three very strong women who support you; Odette, Honor, and honestly? Rory. I may have had my doubts about her when you two were younger, I just knew you two couldn't go very far together, but having her in your corner has really encouraged you, I think. I am truly sorry for anything I may have done to sabotage your relationship, though. I'm very proud of you, son. I know I might be quite a few years too late, Logan, and that I should've said it sooner, but I couldn't be prouder of you. You've done well for yourself. And if I'm being truly honest, it's because of you that made me wake up and realize that I was missing so much in life. Watching you have it all, made me realize I could have too, had I listened to my heart instead of your mother and grandfather" Mitchem said.

Logan looked at him in surprise, not really knowing what to say in response. His dad had changed in so many ways since Shira left; turns out she had been pushing him to do so many things that he normally wouldn't have done, and was conspiring with Elias to make sure Mitchum's eye was always on the prize: gaining the most money and the most power, and trumping anyone and anything in his path.

"Thanks, dad. That really means a lot coming from you. My whole life, I've only wanted to make you proud of me. Sometimes I acted like I didn't care quite as much and rebelled, but really, that's when I cared the most. I just really wanted to be good enough, and there were so many times I failed" Logan said.

Mitchum patted his son on the shoulder. "Water under the bridge, my boy" he said with a genuine smile.

Emma came up to the two of them, and announced it was time for presents. Mitchum picked up his little princess, she was one of five grandchildren, but she was his only granddaughter. They all three headed towards the gathering of people to see Erek open up his party gifts, smiling from ear to ear. Emma got down from her grandpa's arms, and walked over to her little brother, to help him tear off the wrapping paper.

"Yeah, I could certainly get used to this new life" Logan said with a smile, watching the scene play out before him, scanning the room and seeing his family and friends all together to celebrate the third birthday of the coolest little boy in the whole entire world.

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