Chapter 70

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It was the day of Emma's birthday party, and Emily was very displeased with my choice of themes for her – she was sure she was going to be made fun of by all of the society kids.  I tried to tell her that they would love it, but she was sticking to her guns.  So much for my newly beachy, breezy Nantucket grandma...  I guess you can take the woman out of society, but you can't take society out of the woman...

"What's eating you, Love?  Is everything okay?" Finn asked, coming over to me as I was deep in thought.  I looked up at him and nodded with a smile.

"I'm just mentally preparing for the possibility of backlash at Emma's party tonight.  I hope it ends up being as amazing for her as I've planned" I told him.

"You know it will be.  Don't let the pressures of society get to you, Love.  Just make sure Emma has a great time.  Who cares about the other kids?" he asked with a teasing laugh.

I shrugged.  "I just don't want everyone to make fun of her right before she goes into Kindergarten" I said.

"Kindergarten is like three months away – if anything bad were to happen, and anyone would make a big stink about tonight, it will have all been forgotten by August" he promised me.

I nodded and he pulled me up off the couch.  "Come on, we've got more decorating to do" he said.  I smiled and let him lead me to the hallway outside his door and up to the roof where my mom, Luke, Poppy and Charlie were all setting things up.  We'd all made little card board box cars for each kid, decorated them so they looked amazing, and each one had a little built in table for their snacks and a cut out for their drinks.

"You've really thought of everything, Kid.  Emma's going to love this, and it's going to be epic.  It's going to blow everyone away" my mom promised.

I looked at my phone to check on the time.  "We've got a little over three hours.  We can do this" I told them, but it was more for my own benefit.  I walked over to the area we were designating as the concession stand, and started to set up all of the boxes of candy and bags of licorice and got the popcorn maker ready, setting up the boxes and getting everything ready to go.

Logan and Odette had Emma and Ricky, to keep them out of our hair while we were decorating.  Luke was on a ladder hanging up the projector screen while Poppy and Charlie were setting the cars on the lawn. 

"What can I do, Love?  Point me in whichever direction you need me in" Finn said. 

I looked around, thinking, and wasn't really sure where I needed him, and then it hit me.  "Ah!  I've got the perfect job!" I said.

"Name it, and it's done" he promised. 

I smiled and laced my arms around his neck.  "Kiss me" I whispered, pulling his lips into mine.  He laughed and did as he was told. 

"This is what you need help with the most?" he asked with a smile.

"Absolutely, and you're the only person who can get the job done right" I murmured, kissing him again.  He held me tight around my waist and kissed me deeply.

"Ahem!  Some of us around here think there might be some real jobs that your sexy Aussie man can do – you know, besides playing tonsil hockey with my baby girl" my mom said over my shoulder.

Finn and I just laughed and pulled away slowly.  "He asked what he could do to help, so I gave him a job" I said innocently.

My mom just shook her head and laughed.  "You two kill me" she teased, walking away.

*                                                          *                                                          *

"Wow, Ace!  This looks amazing!" Logan said, walking through the door to the roof.

"It's really neat!  You can tell you really worked hard on this!  Emma's going to be so surprised!" Odette said, looking around in awe.

"Thanks!  I've got a few odds and ends I've got to finish up before I can stop and talk though.  Stick around!  I'll be back in a bit" I said, running around, tying up some loose ends.

"Let me help you!" Odette insisted, following after me.

"Speaking of Little Love, where might she and her tiny little uncle be?" Finn asked with a laugh.

"Odette and I left them in the apartment with Poppy and Charlie.  They said they could hang out with them a while.  It really is coming along really nicely.  Who knew The Legendary Finn would be helping to throw a birthday party for a five year old girl?" Logan teased.

"Certainly not me, but that daughter of yours has me wrapped around her little finger.  I just absolutely adore her" Finn admitted.

"She adores you, too, you know.  She talks about you constantly.  She's really happy.  She always used to be so worried about Rory whenever she was at our house instead of with her, but now she doesn't worry.  She tells us all the things you do for them, and how much she loves you, and how much Rory loves you...  I have to admit, I had my doubts about your relationship in the beginning, but you've really changed, Finn.  It's nice to see you settle down, and be happy.  And I'm really happy that it benefits you all.  Rory deserves the best, and I'm convinced that you can give that to her, so thank you – I know I really don't have any reason to thank you for it, but for real – thank you.  It takes a huge weight off my little girl's shoulders knowing that her mom is being taken care of so well, and a weight off of mine knowing you're taking care of them both.  You're an amazing guy, Finn" Logan said. 

Finn smiled and shook his friend's hand.  "I know it's still early, but I just wanted to let you know that I have every intention of eventually marrying that woman – if she'll have me, of course.  I can't get enough of her, Mate!" Finn told him, gauging his reaction. 

Logan smiled and patted him on the back.  "I've seen her with you.  She'll say yes.  There's no doubt in my mind.  She's different with you than she was with me.  She's completely let her guard down for you, and I didn't even try to worry about that guard.  I let my ego get the best of me and lost the girl – but I know you're smarter than I am.  Just treat those girls right, and I couldn't be happier for you guys, man" he said.

"Thanks Mate; that means everything coming from you" Finn said with a smile.

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