Chapter 58

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Finn and I walked into Emma's school to pick her up, and she beamed happily when she saw me.  She ran to me and hugged me tightly, and then she realized Finn was there also.  She broke away from me and ran into his arms, where he had knelt down, scooping her up. 

"Hey, sweet girl!  How was your day?" he asked her, eager to hear the answer. 

"It was good!" she said simply, squiggling to get down and grab her backpack from its hook and the papers from her cubby.

"Are you ready to go, Em?" I asked her, reaching for her hand.

She nodded, and then she reached for Finn's hand with her other, and we all walked out of the school.

We got into the parking lot and she turned to look at us expectantly.  "What?" I asked her laughing.

"Where are we going?" she asked curiously.

"What makes you think we're going anywhere?" he asked, teasing her.

"Because if we weren't, only one of you would be picking me up" she pointed out.  'Damn she's good' I thought to myself with an internal laugh.

"Well, Little Love, it just so happens that we do have a surprise for you, but we've got to get moving, or we'll miss it" he said.

"Oh my gosh!  You guys have the best surprises!" she exclaimed – and I thought back to the zoo, and Disney.  I couldn't help but wonder if she would be disappointed that it wasn't something monumental like that, although she does really seem to have taken a liking to Princess Poppy.

Finn just laughed and helped Emma into her car seat.

He had made a mental note to himself that he wanted to buy a car – not for himself, but for Rory.  She hadn't said anything, but he knew she wasn't too fond of the idea of her daughter being hauled around by a car service everywhere they went.  In reality, the only reason he even used a car service all the time was because before Rory and Emma, most of his driving was limited to going to and from work where he would use the time on the drive in or out to make phone calls or answer important emails before getting to or heading home from the office, and also for taking pretty girls on dates each night, which he of course hasn't done with anyone since Rory.  Besides, he knew taking a limo or a town car everywhere didn't impress her like it did with the other, gold-digging girls.  So he came to the conclusion that he needed to buy her a car – although he knew her well enough to know she'd never actually accept a car from him, so he would have to think of a crafty way to disguise it as his car, and let her 'use' it whenever she wanted, until she was used to using it all the time.  He remembered the comment she made about having no house, no job, no car, etc.  He didn't want to meddle with the job, because he knew how important it was to her to earn it on her own.  He didn't even want to give her a reference when she had asked.  He was so worried that she would get upset that he didn't want to help her, but actually, it was the exact opposite; she actually seemed grateful that he'd declined to do it.  Giving her a home, he was able to take care of, and so he wanted to be able to cross a car off of that list of hers, also. 

"What are you doing?" I asked him with a slight laugh, watching him while he was lost in thought.

He snapped out of it and laughed.  "Nothing, I was just thinking about something" he said.

"Well hurry up and get in the car or we'll be late!" I reminded him, and he smiled sheepishly, jumping into the limo with us.

*                                *                                 *

We got to the air strip of the small airport, and the driver pulled us right up to the tarmac.

"Where are we?" Emma asked in confusion.

"We're at the same airport we went to when we went to Disney" I reminded him.

"Where are we going this time?" she asked.

"We're not, but someone's coming here to see us" Finn told her.

"Who!?" she asked impatiently.

Finn laughed as he saw the airplane slowly coming into view.  He pointed it out to Emma, and put her on his shoulders as they waited, watching the plane make its descent.  She was getting excited, trying to figure out who she was waiting for, and even tried guessing, although she'd gotten every guess wrong.

The plane finally touched down on the runway and came to a rolling stop, before rolling down the strip, making its way over to us.  "You ready, Little Love?" he asked as the door was opened and the stairs were extended.

"Yes!" she said, and wanted down immediately when she realized it was Poppy.  He had to act quickly so he didn't drop her on the asphalt as she took off running towards her.  "Poppy!" she exclaimed, throwing her arms around her before she even fully made it down the steps.

"Hi, Emma!" she exclaimed happily.  "You didn't miss me or anything, did you?" she teased her.

"Of course I did!  I'm so happy you're back!  Are you back forever!?" she hoped.

"I'm back for a long time!" Poppy promised, trying to not lie to the little girl, but also while trying to not be too morbid, and Charlie walked down the stairs carrying their luggage.

Finn took some bags from him and shook his hand.  When Emma had finally let go of his sister, he was finally able to greet her with a hug, also.

"I'm glad to see them still here!  So how are things going in the love department?" she asked him quietly.

"Eh, not bad" he said, eluding all details.  He hadn't told her anything that had happened between them since they arrived in Anaheim, so she was completely in the dark.  He knew it would make her happy, so he wanted to tell her in person and surprise her.

Charlie and Rory were introduced, and Emma evaluated Charlie and decided he was good enough for Poppy, which everyone laughed at because she acted as if she had a choice in the matter.

Finn wrapped an arm around me and led me to the car where we all got in and situated, and Poppy smirked at us.  At this point I had no idea that he hadn't told his sister about us.  I assumed he had since he tells her nearly everything.

After we had started driving, Finn sat back with his arm around me nonchalantly.

"Ask Poppy and Charles where they're going to be staying, Em!" Finn said in a sense of amusement that only he understood.

Emma looked up at Poppy expectantly.  "Where!?" she asked.

"We're staying at Uncle Finn's...Why?" Poppy asked in confusion.

"You're staying with us!?" Emma exclaimed happily.

"Us!?" Poppy asked, choking on a drink from her water bottle.

Finn chuckled, having way too much fun with it and Poppy looked at us.  "What in the world is going on!?" she demanded.

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