Chapter 86

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Odette's POV

Logan and I rushed into Finn's apartment – he didn't even bother knocking, he just needed to see his little girl. She was sitting on the couch watching TV, and we headed straight for her.

"Oh my God, Emma, are you okay!?" Logan asked, scooping his daughter up in his arms, in the car he'd mentioned never wanting to let her out of his sight again.

"I'm okay, Daddy" she told me, and continued watching TV, clearly not understanding the gravity of the situation.

Logan sat down on the couch and pulled her into his lap. "Emma, sweetheart, look at me. You can't do that again, honey. You might not get so lucky again!" he told her.

"I know, Daddy. I won't do it ever again, as long as Mommy and I can move back here" she said, turning back towards the TV distractedly.

"Emma –" Rory started.

"Baby girl, listen to me. Mommy and Finn may never live together again, and you're going to have to be okay with that, if that's what happens. You cannot run away again and go off on your own like you did. You're only five years old, you can't be alone. I don't care how big you seem sometimes, you're still just a little girl" he tried to explain to her.

"I know that, Daddy. But I want mommy to live with Uncle Finn" she said dismissively and once again turned back to the TV screen.

"Will somebody turn that off!? She's clearly not paying any attention to anything Logan is saying!" I snapped. I didn't mean to snap, but I had hit my boiling point. I had tried to keep calm and cool through all of this, but I'd had enough. I couldn't take it anymore.

Rory looked at me in surprise, but Finn switched the TV off with the remote.

"Emma, don't you understand how incredibly lucky you are!?" I asked gently, bending down beside her, and then I just got so upset that I couldn't rein it in anymore. "Someone could've taken you! Someone could've hurt you! You would never have seen Daddy, or Mommy, or Uncle Finn or me ever again! You would never see anyone you ever knew ever again! You'd be gone! You'd be in danger! And you could've been killed! Emma, you're old enough to know better! You can't do this ever again! I don't care if your mom and Finn ever get back together, I don't care if there's something else next week that upsets you, or in ten years! The bottom line is you have to stay safe, Emma! We live in New York and there are so many people out there that would just love to take a pretty little girl like you! Don't you get it, Emma!? We can't keep you safe if you run away! You can never do that again, do you hear me!? Ever! Sometimes little girls just don't come back, Emma!" I shouted at her.

The room was silent. Rory, Finn and Logan were all staring at me with their mouths hung open, and then Emma started to cry, snapping everyone out of their shock. Rory and Finn catered to Emma as Logan stood up and looked at me sternly. I had overstepped, and I knew I had, but this was like my little girl, too. Her safety was equally as important to me as the others, and someone needed to say these things to her!

"We need to talk. Now." Logan commanded me, trying to hold back the anger he was feeling.

I sighed. I knew what was coming. He would tell me to know my place, that this was his daughter, not ours. That I had gone too far, and was out of line. I followed him into Emma's room and waited for the lecture.

He didn't say anything, though. He paced; back and forth, back and forth, over and over. He sighed deeply and raked his hands through his hair in frustration every once in a while, so I could tell he was struggling internally with what he wanted to say, so I spoke first.

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