Chapter 37

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A/N - thanks for no one yelling at me that it took me forever to upload the chapter this morning - I haven't been sleeping very well for the last 2 nights & so as soon as I took my oldest to the bus, I laid back down & crashed this morning.  Hope you all enjoy!  😉


When I noticed that Colin had walked away, I made my way over to Finn and he smiled when he noticed me.  "My, my, Love, don't you look like a million bucks?" he asked, looking me up and down approvingly.

"How much have you had to drink?" I asked with a laugh.

"A couple drinks, but not too many.  How about you?" he asked, nudging me playfully.

"A couple.  Not too many.  Want to come swim with me?" I asked.

"Sure thing, Love" he said, walking with me to the pool.

We got in and started playing around and flirting.  The other guys and girls were in before too long, too, and we all laughed and talked and played around like kids.  It was one of the best nights.

When I thought no one was looking, I downed the drink inside my cup for courage, and I laced my arms around Finn's neck, going in for a kiss.  He didn't realize what I was doing, and moved his face from mine absentmindedly.  I could hear the groans from everyone around us and was embarrassed that not only did Finn not seem interested in a kiss, but everyone else saw the failed attempt, too.  My cheeks were red and I pulled away from Finn.  He was still oblivious and had no idea what they were all complaining about, but he could tell that I didn't look real happy.

"What's going on?" he asked me in concern. 

"Nothing, it's nothing.  I think I'm just going to head inside and take a shower and get ready for bed.  It's late, and we have a big day tomorrow" I said.

He wanted to object, but he felt like it was a moment to just let me go, so he nodded, and I walked over to my chair for my things and walked inside.

"Oh my god, you're such an idiot!" Robert said with a laugh.

"What are you talking about?" Finn asked, still having no idea what had just happened.

Colin laughed.  "You're definitely not going to get her that way" he teased.

"Would someone please explain to me what the hell is going on?" Finn asked, starting to get annoyed.

"She was trying to kiss you, and you weren't having it.  It was like you were in your own little world or something" Stephanie said.

"She wasn't trying to kiss me, you're crazy" he said.

"Dude, yes she was.  She wrapped her arms around you and went for it – and you completely shot her down" Colin said with a laugh.

Finn groaned and raked his fingers through his own hair.  "Bloody hell, what do I do now?" he asked.

*                                                          *                                                          *

I got out of the shower and into some pajamas.  I sat down on the bed, absent-mindedly flipping through TV channels, although my mind was racing.  I couldn't believe how badly I'd misread his signals.  I thought for sure he was in to me, everyone else seems to think so, too, but when I go to try and do something about it – nothing.  Absolutely nothing other than an embarrassing story for all his friends to talk about for the entire weekend.

I looked up as there was a soft knock on the door.  "Are you decent, Love?  Can I come in?" Finn asked.

I wasn't particularly ready to see him yet, but knew I couldn't keep him out forever.  "You can come in" I said

The door opened and he smiled.  "Hey, are you okay, Darling?" he asked gently, sitting down beside me on the bed.

"I'm fine, Finn" I lied.

"Good, because I want to show you something.  I need you to come outside with me" he said.

I sighed deeply, wanting to protest, but I got up and followed him anyway.

Finn took my hand and we snuck outside into the back yard.  He was adamant that we had to hurry.  I cooperated and when we got outside, I asked what was going on.  "You'll see, now come here!" he said, almost like a kid at Christmas, leading someone to a tree full of presents.  We got to the fence line and there was a stand-alone porch-type swing sitting there, overlooking Disneyland.  I could see the lights of the rides and the faint music playing in the background.

"Wow...I can't believe how close we are!" I said in amazement.

"Just wait for it" he said, and not much longer, there was a loud boom, to which I nearly jumped into Finn's arms, and a second later, an explosion of light.  He'd brought me out to watch the fireworks.  I smiled when I realized it, and cuddled into Finn's chest, jumping slightly at every earth-shaking boom, and he wrapped his arm around me, almost protectively.

"This is so amazing" I whispered, still smiling from ear to ear.  He looked over at me, and my smile was contagious onto him. 

"You're amazing.  I'm really glad you came with me this weekend, Love" Finn said softly.

"I am, too, Finn!  Thank you so much!" I said with a smile, still watching the dancing lights in the sky, the smile never leaving my lips.  I felt as happy and as carefree as a child in that moment.

"Yeah, it would be pretty hard to top a night like this, but there is something that could make it a little better for me" he said, looking over at me.

"There is?  Let me guess, more scotch?" I teased.

"No, Love.  You" he said softly, putting his hand gently to the back of my head and pulled me in slowly.  I couldn't breathe, I felt like my heart had stopped, and butterflies were flying around in my stomach like crazy.  Before I had another moment to process how I was physically feeling, his lips were gently brushing mine.  Suddenly, it was like he brought me back to life – I started to breathe, my heart started beating again, and I was fueled by the tingling sensation that was overtaking me.  I wanted this.  I needed this.  Everything inside of me was telling me this was right.  I kissed him back with a passion I didn't realize I had inside of me, bringing my hand up to run my fingers through his hair.  He kissed me for a moment longer before pulling away and touching his forehead to mine, trying to catch his breath and a smile grew on his face almost a mile wide.

"Wow" I whispered, a smile forming on my face as well, my cheeks flushing a bit.

He couldn't bring himself to speak, so he just pulled me in to him again and kissed me, his urgency quickening and the heat building.  I melted into him and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him in closer as our breathing quickened.  I never wanted this kiss to end.

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