Chapter 6

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"Good morning, Ms.  Gilmore.  It's about time you came back to work.  I hope you're feeling  up to the challenge of working a full day today" Michael snarked as I  walked through the door.  I could feel my blood boiling the instant I  heard his voice. 

"Good morning, Michael" I said shortly, and went into my office and sat down.

"Oh, and by the way, Ms.  Gilmore?  I had no choice by to give everything that you were working  on over to Ms. Chapman during your absence.  Surely you understand"  Michael said, leaning in the door frame to my office.

Typical.  "Of course, I  understand, perfectly" I said through gritted teeth.  I understood  exactly what he was doing – he was in the process of phasing me out.

"No hard feelings?  Wouldn't want you to take it 'personal'" he said.

"Not at all.  Anything else I can do for you, Michael?" I asked, looking up from my computer.

"If I need anything else, I know where you'll be" he said, walking away.

I rolled my eyes and  shook my head.  "I need a new job" I texted to my mom, before starting  up my computer and checking my emails from when I was gone.

"What's the matter with your job, Love?" my mom responded.

'She must think she's so funny' I thought to myself.  "Haha, mom.  Since when do you talk like Finn now?" I asked

"...Um...Since I was  born and my parents named me Finn...?  I've had some pretty girls call  me daddy before, but I've never had anyone call me 'mom'..."

Wait, what?  I checked  who I was texting and somehow I texted that to Finn instead of my mom.   "Oops, I feel really dumb, Finn.  I didn't mean to bother you.  I  thought I was texting my mom" I texted back.

"No bother at all, Love.  So, tell me about this horrid job" he prompted.

"No, it's really okay.  I don't want to burden you with my problems" I said.

"Clear your schedule.  I  know Logan gets the munchkin tonight, so I'm picking you up at six  thirty to take you out to dinner.  Dress nicely"

"What!?  Finn, that's not necessary" I said.

"Not taking no for an answer.  Gotta get back to work.  See you later, darling" he said.

I set my phone down in  defeat.  Well, I guess I'm going out to dinner with Finn tonight.  At  least I don't look so hideous anymore that I feel the need to hide from  the general public anymore.  The swelling went down weeks ago, the  bruises are almost completely faded, and my cuts and scrapes are a thing  of the past.  But dress nicely?  What does that mean?  How nice were we  talking here?

*                                                          *                                                          *

Six thirty on the dot  there was a knock on my apartment door.  "Come in!" I called from my  bedroom.  I rushed out, putting in an earring just as Finn was walking  in the door.  He was dressed in a navy blue suit paired with a fitted  sports coat, a black shirt, tie, and dressy shoes.  Suddenly I didn't  feel like I was dressed fancy enough in my black pants and white blouse.

He saw the look on my face.  "I wasn't sure how fancy I should look" I admitted.

He smiled his trademark Legendary Finn Smile.  "I guess that means you think I look good?" he teased.

I laughed, happy he  ligtened the mood.  "You always look good, Finn.  You must either be  secretly gay, or have one hell of a personal shopper" I teased.

"Well I assure you, Ms. Gilmore, I'm not the prior" he said with a raised eyebrow and a laugh.

I shuddered.  "Please, let's not use the phrase 'Ms. Gilmore' tonight" I begged. 

He gave me a strange look "Well, okay then" he said, and then I went off to go change into something a little prettier.

I came back out a moment  later in a royal blue, black and white patterned halter dress and  heels.  "How's this?  Better?" I asked, giving a little spin.

"Well, I thought you  looked great before, but I'm certainly not complaining" he said with a  laugh, unable to take his eyes off me.  "You've got some great legs,  Love"

I blushed and laughed.  "Thanks" I said shyly.

"Well, shall we?" he asked, holding out his arm for mine.  I looped mine around his, and he led me out the door.

*                                                          *                                                          *

Finn's driver opened the  door, and Finn stepped out before assisting me.  "I hope you're  hungry.  This place is phenomenal" he said.

"Bouley?  I've never  been here, but I've heard it's fabulous" I said, "but how on earth are  we going to get in?  I've heard there's an outrageous waiting list for a  table, months in advance"

Finn chuckled under his breath, and just let me inside. 

"Finn!  It's so good to  see you again!  Right this way, sir!" the Maître d' said, the moment we  walked in the door.  I looked at him, impressed.

"Well, well, well,  aren't we Mr. Popular?" I teased with a sideways glance.  He just smiled  as we were led to our seats.  "Wow, this place is gorgeous" I whispered  to him, clinging onto his arm.  I felt so out of place that I was  afraid to let go.

"Madame" the maître d' said, pulling my chair out for me.  Finn remained standing until I was seated.

"Oh wow, Finn, this place is wayyyy too fancy for me" I whispered, extremely self-conscious and so glad that I changed clothes.

"Don't be silly, it's  just a restaurant.  Nothing to get intimidated over" he promised  gently.  "What, Logan didn't take you to places like this?" he asked.

"Well, yeah, but that  was like fifteen years ago...  I can't remember the last time I've been  in a place so fancy" I whispered embarrassedly.

"It's just like riding a very snobby bike" he teased with a wink.

"Why would you go through so much trouble to take me somewhere so fancy?" I asked.

"Trouble?  Love, I  rarely do much of anything that causes me any trouble, I assure you.   You're no trouble to me at all, but you've had a rough going for the  last few weeks, and then your text today, albeit accidental.  I just  figured you deserved to be taken for a night on the town, and remember  what it's like to feel spoiled" he said.

I smiled.  "Thank you, Finn.  That's really, really sweet.  I don't know what to say" I whispered. 

"You don't have to say anything, Love.  I already know how much you appreciate it" he said softly with a gentle smile.

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