Chapter 80

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There he was, standing right in front of me, the man I was so broken up over.
His eyes were intense, his jaw was clenching and unclenching, as if he didn't know if he should relax or stay on edge.

I was speechless, I wanted to nothing more than to jump into his arms, and forget the last few days, pretending nothing was wrong.

He closed in the space between us, and gently placed his hands on either side of my face. "Rory, I -" he whispered, but he didn't finish the sentence, he just pulled me in and kissed me.

I melted into him and held onto him tight, intensifying the moment, the want - no, the need for him burning within me. "Finn" I murmured.

He nodded, kissing me more and I shook my head. "Finn, stop" I whispered.

"Stop!?" he asked in surprise, thinking he surely hadn't heard me correctly.

"I just - I need to stop..." I whispered, wiping his kiss from my mouth.

"What? Why?" he asked in confusion.

"Because, Finn! You can't just do this! You can't just show up here whenever you feel like it! I'm a person, I have feelings, feelings that you've shattered in all of this! I believed you when you told me you were the one person who would never hurt me on purpose, but everything you did was on purpose, Finn! None of your behavior here was an accident! I didn't break us up, Finn, you did! And I don't even know why! But I know you can't just come here, and kiss me, and make me think it will all go back to the way it was before, because it can't go back! Even if we would somehow be able to move past all of this, it will never be the same, and there's nothing either of us can do about that" I insisted.

He stood there and I could see the hurt flashing in his eyes as he soaked in every word I had just said. It hadn't even occurred to him that this would be so detrimental to their relationship.

"What are you saying?" he whispered, a lump rising in his throat.

"I'm saying I think we got caught up in the fairy tale of what our relationship could be, and forgot to pay attention to our relationship for what it actually was – we moved too fast, you weren't ready for the commitment you wanted so desperately. You had no idea what you were getting yourself into and I let you jump in over your head, and I'm sorry. I should've known you couldn't handle it, but rather than thinking logically, I was being selfish and trying to pretend it could work anyway. That part is my fault" I whispered.

"Your fault – Rory – I don't like where this is going" he whispered, raking his hands through his hair.

You know what, it's okay – I mean, it's not okay, but I shouldn't have pushed you. I mean, clearly you didn't realize the sacrifice and commitment it takes to being in a relationship like this, Finn, because if you did, none of this would have happened. Yes, we were arguing, but guess what, Finn - couples fight all the time and that's normal! You can't just kick us out of the house every time there is a misunderstanding or you just don't feel like dealing with it! It doesn't work that way! My little girl adores you! She wanted you to be her stepdad, but you're still just fun Uncle Finn. You need to choose which one you want to be and stick with it because I can't take the heartache or the stress anymore."

"Emma" he whispered, as if remembering her for the first time in all of this.
"Yeah, Emma, remember her? Tiny little thing? Heart of gold? Thinks the world of you!? She doesn't even know you left us, Finn! I couldn't bring myself to tell her, it would crush her! And now we have to move and she's going to be so heartbroken, but she's tough. She can handle it, I know she can" I told him.

"No, no I don't want you to leave. I'm so sorry I thought that I did, but I don't! I want you both to stay with me, forever. You're both my whole world, and I can't let that go" he said.

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