Chapter 62

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Finn and I were laughing and playing around in the kitchen as we were preparing dinner together for the four of us.

He grabbed me in his arms, and shushed me, warning me that we were being too loud, but neither of us could stop laughing. Neither of us really knew the real reason why we were so blissfully happy in this specific moment, but we couldn't help it.

He kissed me deeply, passionately, and dipped me as he did. I brought one of my legs up, bent at the knee, in true movie-like fashion.

"Wow! What on earth did I walk in to!?" Poppy asked with a laugh, leaning her head in her hands on the kitchen counter, as if she were eagerly watching a live show.

Finn and I laughed. "I'm sorry, Poppy, did we wake you up!?" I asked in concern.

"No – well, yes – but I needed to get up anyway, otherwise I won't sleep tonight" she said. I nodded and she looked at us skeptically.

"Why in the world are you two being so sickeningly sweet and happy?" she asked cautiously, with a raised eyebrow.

"I have absolutely no idea, but I'm enjoying every bloody moment of it" he said happily, wrapping his arms around me.

"Did you guys make some special brownies while I was sleeping or something?" she teased.

"No, of course not!" I said laughing.

"Sex?" she asked.

"No, Poppy. We're just happy to be together. Other than that, I have no other explanation" he said.

"But have you?" she asked curiously.

I blushed and laughed out loud, not knowing what to do or say. Finn just turned to her and pleaded with his eyes for her to drop it, but that would be too easy.

"Oh my god! You totally did! When!?" she squealed with an almost creepy sense of delight.

I couldn't help but laugh. "The night before you got here" Finn admitted, figuring she wouldn't drop it unless we told her.

"Was that the only time?" she asked.

"Well, the next morning, too, but other than that, those are the only times" he admitted to her.

"Oh my gosh, this makes me so happy! Not only have you been exclusively dating – a damn amazing woman, might I add – but you're now living with her, and you waited to sleep with her! The only way I could be more proud of you, Big Brother, is if you told her you loved her already, too!" she exclaimed.

Finn and I exchanged looks, and we both smiled. The expression on her face was inexplicable, and all she could do was shake her head in disbelief. "Wow. Just – wow. My Finny really is growing up" she said and I giggled.

"Oh shut up" he teased her laughing.

Charlie walked out a bit later, and sat down beside Poppy on a bar stool at the counter. "What's going on out here, sounds like you all are having a party without me" he said, his accent thick.

"They had sex!" she exclaimed.

"What? Right now?" he asked in surprise.

"No!" Finn and I said quickly, in unison.

"Well, okay then," he teased. "And why, pray tell, was it necessary to tell me, this?" Charlie asked with a laugh.

"Because, Charlie! I never thought I'd ever see the day where Finn would stay with one woman and settle down! He even told her he loves her! Can you believe it!?" she exclaimed happily.

Finn, Charlie and I all started laughing at her. "She seems pretty great for him, I'd say he was just waiting for the right girl. You know your brother's not one to settle for just anyone or anything – he wants the best of the best. Although I can't say the same for you – why you settled for me I'll never know" he teased her, kissing her on the forehead.

"Cause you take good care of me, almost as good as Finn does" she told him. Charlie knew that was important to her – and to Finn. He knew that neither of them would settle for anything less than the best in that department for her, and he was thankful for that every day, because otherwise he might not have gotten the chance to love such a wonderful person as Poppy.

Finn turned his attention back to the steamer, after the alarm had gone off, and it looked like dinner was finished. "I hope you're all hungry!" he said, taking it out and plating it, seasoning it with some Himalayan sea salt. Poppy wasn't allowed much else in the way of spices, according to the pamphlets she's received.

"It smells amazing!" I said, breathing it in. I wasn't an overly big fan of vegetables, but they really did smell incredible.

He handed everyone a plate as he served them, and then we all four sat at the table together, and talked about anything and everything under the sun. Spending time with them really was like spending time with family. It was the perfect feeling to go along with what Finn had said that morning.

* * *

Charlie and Poppy insisted on cleaning the kitchen after dinner – and as much as Finn didn't want her to lift a finger, he also didn't want to make her mad by treating her much differently, either, so he obliged.

Finn led me over to the couch where we turned on the Food Network. This was becoming our thing, and I loved that we had it.

"Oh! I've been wanting to see this episode! I saw the preview for this one the other day and I'd forgotten all about it!" I said excitedly.

He smiled and pulled me into him, and I leaned my head on his chest.

"Look at them, how 'normal' they are! I think my brother's going to get married before too long, what do you think!?" Poppy asked Charlie, quiet enough to where Finn and I wouldn't hear.

"I think she would make him very happy, and we can only hope he could do the same for her. He loves her, you can definitely see it. I'm happy they've found each other. They seem really good together" he said.

"I'm so excited to get a sister! I never in my life thought I would ever have a sister in law EVER and it looks like I might just get my wish and she's perfect!" she said happily.

"Just remember, Pop, they only just started dating officially, right? Don't push them, let them do it in their own time. They've rushed into a lot – marriage isn't a good thing to rush into" he warned her.

"Yeah, yeah, I know, I know" she said, waving her hand dismissingly. He laughed, knowing words had gone in one ear and out the other.

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