Chapter 44

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Finn made white seabass with asparagus and long grain and wild rice. Emma tried it, but she wasn't that into it, so he had a backup plan ready for her.

"That food was delicious, and I almost never like fish" I admitted.

"It's all in how it's prepared, Love. Lucky for you, I know what I'm doing in the kitchen" he said.

"And that's music to my ears, considering my aversion to cooking" I said with a laugh. He laughed too, and kissed me.

"I'm pretty sure I've heard he knows what he's doing in more rooms than the kitchen" Robert said, nudging me with a wink which of course made me blush and Colin just laughed.

"Lunch was absolutely amazing, Finn, thank you" Stephanie said.

"Yes, thank you! I had no idea you were such an amazing cook!" Odette said in approval.

Everyone expressed their thanks and appreciation for lunch – it was the best home cooked meal any of us had had in a while.

"You guys go on up, I'll clean up the kitchen" Juliet insisted since Finn had cooked.

He obliged and took my hand, leading me upstairs, and pulled me down on a lounge chair with him. "So you really liked your lunch?" he murmured in my ear.

I nodded. "Finn, it was amazing...I can honestly say I've never had any sort of an experience like this before" I whispered.

"Well, I wish I could've let you experience it all in Australia first, but this will have to do. I was itching to get on the water, especially being this close to it for a few days" he said.

"We live right by the ocean, Finn" I said with a laugh, but he shook his head.

"It's not the same. The Atlantic is so cold and dark and harsh. The Pacific is where my heart lies, and it's as blue as your gorgeous eyes" he said, rhyming without meaning to.

I smiled and nodded slightly. "I couldn't imagine having such a strong tie to such a beautiful thing as the ocean" I said.

"You do, though, Love. It's whatever your passion is. For you, it is libraries, books, stories, and the written word – that's equally as beautiful in its own ways" he whispered, pulling me closer into his arms. I smiled, realizing he was right. "Do you hear that?" he whispered, cupping his hand around his ear.

"What am I supposed to be hearing?" I asked, after listening for a moment.

"Waves hitting the bottom of the boat, birds flying overhead, the wind rustling the leaves on the trees on the island...It's all the songs of the sea" he whispered, standing up, taking my hand in his, and he starts to dance with me slowly. I closed my eyes and listened as our bodies moved, and I could hear everything he described. I'm not sure I'd ever taken the time to appreciate nature as much as I was doing right in this moment. I breathed in deeply and smiled, just enjoying every ounce of this. This was a side of Finn I had never seen before, and it was such an amazing part of him.

"I've never felt like this before" I whispered to him. He touched his forehead to mine, closing his eyes with a smile.

"Neither have I. I've never felt this close to anyone" he whispered, kissing me.

"Me either" I whispered, nodding my head in agreement, and he kissed me, pulling me in closer.

"Can we go back in the water!?" Emma asked, hopping up the stairs excitedly.

Finn laughed at her sudden appearance.  "Of course we can, Little Love! Are you ready to go right now?" Finn asked her and she nodded enthusiastically.

"Can I go without my life jacket and play where the water and the sand meet?" she asked me.

"Yeah, let's all three go" I told her, which made her even happier. We told her she had to wear her life jacket until we got to the beach, but at the beach she can take it off, as long as she doesn't go into the water, and as long as there's always someone watching her at all times.

Finn took her hand and they jumped off the boat together, and swam to the beach, and I followed behind them smiling, carrying her bag of sand toys that Finn had bought for her.

* * *

Emma and I were playing in the sand, while Finn had gone back on the boat for a while with the rest of our friends.

"So you're really okay that Finn and I are dating, Em? I didn't get a chance to really talk to you about it to see how you felt" I said to her as we dug in the sand.

"Yes! I'm so excited about that, Mommy. Uncle Finn is the best, and I love him so much!" she said happily.

I smiled at how accepting she was. "Well good, because I really like him a lot, Sweet Pea. I just wanted to make sure that you're okay with us, because you are the top priority in my life, baby girl, and I mean that. I never want you to feel like you're not the most important thing to me" I told her.

She just shrugged and kept playing, not really paying attention, and I had to remind myself I was talking to a four year old – it's just that she's usually so ahead of her age in her understandings and her conversations, sometimes I forget to let her just be a kid.

* * *

The gang and I were headed back to the marina, and Emma had fallen asleep in my arms. I couldn't help but reflect on the amazing day we'd all shared together, and it was absolutely perfect. I loved every moment of the day.

"So where are you and Finn going tonight for your first date?" the girls asked me.

"I have no idea, he says it's a surprise and I haven't been able to get any answers out of him all day, so I sort of just gave up" I said.

"I can't tell you how happy I am that you finally found someone to care for you and Emma the way Finn does. You deserve so much happiness in your life, and I know you've been lonely these last few years, even though you would never admit it. I'm so sorry it took so long, but he definitely seems to be worth the wait!" Odette said sincerely.

I smiled. "Thank you, that means a lot. And yes, Finn is just amazing – with me and with Emma. I definitely got very lucky" I admitted, smiling back at Finn, who was sexy as hell with the wind ripping through his hair, and he was looking out over the water, driving us back to the marina.

Juliet giggled when she noticed I was biting my lip and staring at him. "He's definitely easy on the eyes, eh Gilmore?" she teased.

I blushed and looked away with a smile. "Definitely" I whispered, smiling bigger.

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