Chapter 33

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I walked into my apartment and sat my keys down on the counter and sighed. This was my first time being alone with my thoughts in approximately twenty four hours, and I was trying hard to fight through them, but every once in a while they caught up.

I eventually made my way to my room and pulled my suitcase out of my closet and sat it on my bed. I wasn't sure if Odette was packing for Emma or not, so I shot her a quick text. I walked back into my laundry room/kitchen and grabbed a basket for the clean clothes in the dryer. I knew I should be in a rush, but being home just reminded me of all that had upset me the day before, and I just couldn't shake it. I'd lost my job. There's no way I could afford to pay for my rent and my half of Emma's tuition, and utilities...before long, I was full on panicking and tears were back in my eyes. What the hell was I going to do!?

* * *

There was a knock on my door. When I didn't get up to answer, Finn slowly walked in, with Poppy right behind him.

"Hey, how's it going, Love? About finished?" Finn asked, seeing me on the couch.

"Yeah, I'm about halfway done – with my third bottle of wine" I slurred.

"What? Darling, what's going on?" he asked in concern.

"Nothing, I'm fine" I lied.

"Have you finished packing?" he asked.

"I haven't even started" I admitted with a laugh, standing up and stumbling over to him.

"Finn! Oh my gosh, I'm so happy you're here!" I exclaimed, as if seeing him for the first time. "I've missed you so much!" I said, throwing my arms around his neck.

"Good God, Gilmore, you're smashed! You do realize you'll be seeing your daughter in less than two hours, right? I know you, and I know you'd never want Emma to see you like this" he said.

"You're so so sweet, and you care so so much. And I care about you too" I said, trying to pull him in closer, but he backed up.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"I have the strongest urge to kiss you right now" I said, trying again.

Poppy stifled her laughter as she watched this play out in front of her.

"As tempting as that offer seems, it's not happening right now. Let's get you sobered and packed, Love. Poppy, can you make her some strong coffee? I'll work on getting her packed and ready" he said.

Poppy nodded in agreement and headed for the kitchen. "Come on, Love. Let's go to your room" he said, taking my hand, leading me away.

I mumbled something, trying to be sexy, but as soon as we got to my room, I laid down on my bed and immediately passed out.

"Bloody hell" he said with a laugh. "Poppy, I'm going to need your help in here, too!" he said.

Poppy walked in a moment later, seeing me asleep on the bed. "Wow, she's toast! What in the world happened in the last hour to make her drink so much!?" Poppy asked.

She had a rough day yesterday. She was livid with me yesterday morning because I didn't take Emma straight to school like I was supposed to, I took her to work with me instead because she wanted to see where I work. She said some pretty hurtful things, but I can't hold it against her. She was terrified when school called her and she had no idea where Emma was. And then, she had a very important meeting, and her boss has been trying to get rid of her for months, and he finally got up enough ammunition to go through with it and fired her yesterday. Now she has no job, and she's worried about her money situation. And I know her, she would never allow me to just simply help her. So she probably just got herself all worked up and couldn't handle being here alone right now" he said.

"Poor girl, I had no idea! So that's why you went to such lengths to pamper her yesterday, huh? You tried to get her to relax and take her mind off of it long enough to get her to dinner" she said.

He nodded. "Yeah, and I thought I'd done a pretty good job, but I guess being back here, alone, made it all come flooding back to her" he said.

He heard the alert on my phone. "Oh good, Odette's got Emma packed, so we just have to pack for Rory. Can you help me? I don't know the first thing about packing for girls" he said with a laugh.

"Well you're about to get a crash course, Big Brother" she said with a laugh.

* * *

After they were certain they had everything packed for me, and Finn decided if they didn't he didn't care, he'd just buy me whatever I needed.

"We need to wake her up and get some coffee in her, or she'll be no good for Emma" Poppy said.

Finn nodded in agreement and laid down beside her. "Love, you need to wake up" he said, shaking me gently. "Rory, wake up" he said.

"Rory! Get your ass up!" Poppy yelled and I startled awake. "And that's how you do it" she said with a laugh.

"Hey, Sleepyhead, we're all packed up and ready, now we've got to get you sorted out before we make our way to see Little Love" he said, softly.

I nodded and sat up slowly. "How long was I asleep?" I asked in confusion.

"About an hour. Poppy and I packed for you" he said.

"I'm so sorry, Finn" I whispered. Poppy brought some coffee in to me and I drank it gratefully. "Thank you, Poppy. You guys are amazing, I just feel awful" I groaned.

"I thought you were feeling better about everything, Love, what happened?" he asked, brushing a piece of hair away from my eyes.

I shook my head. "It all just came flooding back to me today the second I walked through the door. I don't think I'm going to be able to truly feel better until this entire mess is cleaned up. I just – I don't know what I'm going to do" I whispered.

"Well, you're going to let me help you, for starters" he said.

"Finn, no, there's no way I would feel okay doing that" I said.

"At least let me help you until you figure it all out. If it makes you feel better, we can consider it a loan and you can pay me back" he said.

I shook my head. "I don't know" I said, and then my eyes grew wide in realization, " question...did I try to kiss you?" I asked.

Poppy laughed out loud. "Oh yes you did, and it was hilarious" she said. I blushed and looked away shyly. "Don't worry, our guy here was the perfect gentleman and didn't take advantage of you in your drunken state" she promised.

His eyes met mine. "Although I did say it was a tempting offer – and I meant every word" he said with a smirky smile.

"Alright, let's get you into the shower and cleaned up" Poppy said, and Finn helped me up off the bed. My legs gave out for a second, causing me to fall into him, but then I steadied myself.

"You going to be alright to shower?" he asked with concern.

"If she's not, I'll help her" Poppy said with a laugh, and she helped me walk into the bathroom.

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